What Do You Want


The king said to me, “What is it that you want?” Then I prayed to the God of heaven and I answered the king,” Nehemiah 2:4-5a

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:18

For many years people have asked me to pray for or with them. This started many years into my walk with Jesus, many years after I made the decision, as an adult to follow the Lord and do His will. That seems like it would make it pretty simple for me to say yes to those requests, right? Truly it has become pretty easy but it didn't start out that way. I had no clue what to say or how to say it.

Abba has also given me the great gift of encouragement. He often calls on me to be an encourager, a Barnabas, to someone near to me. These aren't necessarily people I know well or even like. They are people God chooses and puts in my path.

Sometimes it is easy and natural to grab the hand of another and pray. God's grace is there before I even ask for it. Other times it's hard and awkward and I pray fervently for God's help. Sometimes the encouragement is as natural as breathing. God's grace again. Other times, at quite a loss, I pray for Abba to shine a light on what it is I'm supposed to be doing or saying.

God doesn't always say yes to my prayers. In fact I've been praying for so many years for one specific thing and currently the answer is still no. So it isn't like God is just waiting to do every little thing I ask of Him. His will is perfect, right and best and He answers my prayers accordingly. However, any time I pray, “Lord give me the words.” “Lord, help me know what is needed here.” Then, He always answers and answers immediately.

Many times I've sat in front of a blank page knowing that a card, an encouraging word, a Scripture needs to be sent but having no idea what to write and I pray, “Okay, Abba, I know you want this done so please use my hand.” And He does! Or when that person comes to me for prayer, face to face, no time to think or look up a Scripture, again I pray. “Lord, it's all you.”

Aren't those profound prayers? Can't you just see why the God of the universe is all over saying yes to those prayers? The fifty cent words, the eloquence, the length.... Oh wait, none of that is in those prayers.

I'm sure there were times that Nehemiah prayed in a way that was nothing but eloquence and beauty. I hope I do that sometimes too. The lesson here, what we see in Nehemiah, what I've learned in times of urgency, is that all we need is a sincere and open heart.

Then “pray to the God of heaven” and give your answer, say the prayer, write the note. God will guide you when you empty yourself of you, of expectations, and just follow His lead.


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