In All Things
we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love
him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
I had a little mishap this morning. Nothing major, just a time setback and a small moment of panic while I wondered if I had the wherewithal to fix the issue. A quick scan of my cabinets and yes, in that sense all was well. Seems fairly ordinary, right? Well, not for me.
thing is, someone else was depending on me. The problem I encountered
wasn't going to impact just my day, but the very important event of
someone very dear to me. Normally this would be panic mode melt down
time but it wasn't. I looked at the disaster, stopped and simply
prayed, “Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.”
And He did! Right there, in the moment. Peace flowed in bringing with
it the obvious solution to the problem.
as I was praying and could see Abba's hand all over my morning
another larger issue came to mind. I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving
that even though right now I can't see the truth of Romans 8:28 in
that area of my life, I know that it is true.
few days ago a coworker of mine had a problem. She's not terribly
forthcoming with details so I stood with two other coworkers as we
tried to fashion different scenarios that might be occurring. When
she did tell us what happened it was almost comical. We were so far
off and so dramatic compared to her pretty pedestrian problem. Oh but
we were so sure we had great ideas!
it is with Abba and us. We look at our circumstances and try to find
the whys. Why me? Why is God allowing this? And the whats... What
good could come of this? What is the point?
could have done that this morning. Why now Abba? What could possibly
be good about this? What do I do now? How could you allow this? I
didn't. Instead I chose trust. I asked for God's mercy and it came,
swift and obvious. I still can't say why it happened or what all the
results will be but I can tell you this, Romans 8:28 says “all
things” and that means
all things. I chose
trust this morning and I pray to chose it in every and all situations
because this I can say for sure, God is good and His will is right,
good and best.
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