God Willing
message is five years old. I'm reusing it because I believe that it
is a very powerful and important lesson. I am so blessed to say that
I'm still following Adam's example. He and his family have since
moved away. I miss them! Thankfully I still get to see a few pictures
and God willing I will see them again in person one day.
Now listen you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13-15
little friend Adam was quite excited to tell me that he would most
likely not see me at church on Sunday. After inquiring about my
intentions toward church attendance he said, “I probably won’t be
there. We’re going to Orlando this weekend, God willing.” Now, to
make this even more precious, hear it spoken with a tiny speech
impediment, one that he is outgrowing rapidly and that I will miss.
The words “God willing” were sweet enough but hear it as, “God
wiwwing” and it’s even more adorable. A few minutes after our
first conversation Adam repeated the information again. His family
was planning to go to Orlando, God willing. In the brief ten minutes
we spent together I heard Adam tell at least three other people the
same story with the same modifier. He had plans, God willing. Those
words coming out of that child, with a face so absolutely beautiful,
impish and precious that it defies an accurate description, just
grabbed my heart.
is a kid you want to hug every time you see him. He’s that adorable
and on top of that, he was speaking with authority straight from the
Scripture. For the rest of the weekend and on into the next week I
thought about Adam’s words. “God willing.” It is how we all
should view our plans. They are not written in stone. We need to keep
our hearts and minds open. We will go here or there, do this or that,
God willing. It’s a humbling, submissive statement and I am so
grateful to Adam for shining such a tender spotlight on it.
I’ve thought about the way Adam is being raised. I know his parents
or better said, I’m acquainted with them. They are sweet young
people and on meeting them you know why their children (I knew Adam’s
older sister first) are so great. Jesus is clearly the center of
their family.
few years ago my granddaughter Faith told me that God speaks to
people all the time but that grownups don’t always listen. I heard
Him loud and clear through Adam and I’m grateful, and now God
willing, I have to go to work.
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