when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his
spirit. Matthew 27:50
night we went to church for a Good Friday service. The service was
amazing. Our music director and pastor worked together perfectly to
create the right mood, a very somber, dark mood. In our church that
service culminates with a very loud boom which signifies the closing
of the tomb. After that all is silent. Silent. People who normally
greet each other, plan where to eat brunch or when to get together
during the week are walking out in silence. Why? Because our reason
for being, our hope is gone. Of course for us, in 2017, that is
symbolic and not literal but believe me, in that moment it feels
year something stands out to me in the telling of Christ's final
hours on Earth. Often it is the total betrayal from too many near and
dear to Him. This year it was the fact that in those moments Jesus
was gone. The service ended and our full of life pastor did not say a
word. He did not say “Go in peace” as he does on Sunday because
there is no peace to be shared in a world with no Jesus. A world with
no Jesus.
there I knew that this was a reminder, that indeed there is very much
a Jesus. He lives and reigns and He's coming back. I know this to be
true but it felt awful, as it should, to hear that boom and sit in
the aftermath of His suffering and death. It felt awful to me and I
wondered at the intensity of loss the disciples must have felt. The
Scripture says they scattered.
morning I woke up and felt the weight of a few things that are
happening in my life and in the lives of a couple of people I care
for deeply. I sat up and thought how great, it's Saturday which means
I have extra quiet time, more time to be with Jesus.... Oh! It hit me
again, in the aftermath of the Crucifixion there was no Jesus. Today
I could get up, get my Bible and be with my Savior but what of the
eleven who were left after the betrayal of Judas and the torture of
Jesus? Where was their hope?
says they scattered but then later it says that Jesus found them all
together again. They were drawn to each other out of shared
experiences, shared loss perhaps but I still wonder where and how
they found the energy and ability to move, to seek each other. My
husband thinks fear motivated them and maybe he's right. I know I
felt an emptiness that had a bit of fear in it this morning when I
thought, this is the day that we remember a world without a Savior.
for me, for you, this is a day when we remember a
world without a Savior. We look at how things were but we also know
how things are now. We have a Savior and tomorrow we can all stand
and say that Christ is Risen only to hear our fellow believers reply,
He is risen indeed.
you Jesus for the sacrifice that gives us new life and new hope every
time we remember that Christ is risen, Christ is alive and Christ is
coming back.
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