To Be On Fire

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.
Acts 2:2-4

While in prayer this morning I was reminded of one of the students at our school. Allie is an observer. You could read that as a polite way to say tattletale and not be wrong but she is also an encourager. Allie, calls it like she sees it. One of her favorite expressions is, “he's (or she's) on fire.” Now Allie is a Southern child so hear that in your mind as “far” and hear it incredibly drawn out, “he's on faaarrr.” It's adorable. It is also her highest compliment. It means that the person in question is doing their best work, a quality that Allie admires.
This morning as I was praying to be more connected to the Holy Spirit, more yielded to His direction, I prayed, “Breathe on me. Set me on fire for You. I want to be on fire.” You can see, I'm sure, why Allie came to mind. My thought was that I want to be such a force for the Gospel, so clearly a child of God that it cannot be missed. I do not want to waste any of the time or talent that God has given me.

Isn't that what Allie is saying of her friends? She gives that compliment when she sees a friend trying hard, delivering their best result. That is what I want to do for God, sort of.

For children in school, for adults on the job, our results depend on our efforts. I cannot sit in my chair and will my students to learn something. I have to interact with them. I don't walk through my kitchen and envision a dinner I have to cook.

Walking with the Holy Spirit is a bit different. First I have to be still, which is not easy for me, listen and then act but only as the Spirit prompts me. It is then seemingly my action but it is certainly His idea and strength moving through me.

It is my intense desire to be the woman God created me to be, to live as He intended. At the end of the day when I write my words of gratitude to Him I want to be able to write, “Thank you for letting me be on fire.”

I suppose those words will always bring Allie to my mind and that is fine. I will always then, remember how impressed she was when he friends were “on fire”, how much she then, wanted to do her best. I hope that my “fire” will do the same for the people around me and draw them closer to the source of the flames.


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