each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of
as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people especially to
those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:2, 10
you ever taken a spiritual gifts test? If so, were you surprised at
the results? Most people have something of an idea going into the
test. There are people who are great at leading groups, giving,
praying or teaching and they take the test fully expecting those
results. Several years ago I was one of those people. I've spent most
of my life in some form of teaching. While still in high school I
taught guitar lessons. In college I got a job at a private school in
the pre-school department, eventually teaching pre-K there and to
this day my day job is in a classroom. When my assessment results
included teacher I was not at all surprised. When they include
exhortation I was a little taken back.
literally means “ a communication emphatically urging someone to do
something.” Yuk! That sounds like nagging. The spiritual gift is a
bit different. That is, “to encourage, to embolden, to cheer, to
advise” and the person of the Bible used to illustrate this gift is
Barnabas. Ah, much better. Still, I wasn't sure that was me. An
encourager? I hoped so. It sounded great but was it me? Many, many
years later, I have come to realize it is me and I am so thankful for
that gift.
last few weeks have been less than my best for various reasons and
I've begun to question almost everything, including my spiritual
growth. Through it all, I have tried to stay focused on God, His
Word, His glory. At times I've done pretty well but other times, I
know I've fallen short, way, way short. In response, I've attempted
to play to my gifts, my strengths if you will, and find ways to be an
encourager. Much harder when you're feeling discouraged and yet
somehow doors opened all around me to give, a word here, a little
gift there and I felt if not better, at least faithful. In those
moments of encouraging, my joy was pure, untarnished by
what happened next? Our Abba, in His amazing grace and mercy sent
encouragers to me! Within two hours, just yesterday, I received two
lovely cards and one text message. The text message even included 3
John 1-8. Wow!
is important that we all lift each other up, in prayers, by words and
by actions. Some of us, are gifted to do just that to family, to
friends, to strangers (Although be prepared for the flack you might
get from those closest to you when you speak to a stranger, no matter
how many times you quote Hebrews 13:2.) and some find it too hard and
will do it only in prayer. When you do continue to encourage others,
to pray for someone else, to give time, talent or money when your own
resources are feeling so very low, that is when God will do great
things for you. Faithful action will result in a blessing every
single time.
encouraged today, by these words, by Abba's love and then go and
encourage someone else.
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