Finish Line

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has
called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14

Within twenty-four hours of each other, two young women, both very dear to me, have achieved great goals. One, Jessica, has graduated with a Bachelor's degree in a field she was born to bless with her presence, surely tending to what the world sees as the “least of these.”(Matthew 25:40) The other, Magdaline is graduating today, with a Master's that will take her places where her spirit will surely shine. I have no doubt that Magdaline will leave a huge mark on the world.

That's nice isn't it? Two young woman who have accomplished their goals? Let me tell you that simple fact is not the whole story. Neither of them are the straight out of high school, four or six years in and out degree in hand, done. Both have had obstacles to overcome, delays, setbacks, temptations to pack it all in and take a lesser road but neither one quit.

Both are daughters of single moms, amazing, beautiful, funny and endearing single moms but single moms all the same. That in itself lends at the very least a financial burden. Both of them have worked in actual jobs, real jobs, while going to school. Both of them have had opportunities and invitations that had to be declined because the goal needed tending.

There are no words to say how proud I am of these two young ladies and how grateful to be on their sidelines. Along the way they have both needed encouragement and our Father has provided it to them. Now it's their turn and knowing both of them, I know they will answer the call. Very different young ladies, with a few years of age separating them, these girls will reach people who might never read a verse of Scripture or attend a church service but they will experience the love of God through Jessica and Magdaline who both had the faith and the courage to run the race.

Congratulations ladies! Your victory inspires everyone you know to keep running the race.


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