Truth (Re)Revealed
And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved Joel 2:32a
Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32
I was reminded this morning of a very simple teaching and that reminder exposed a huge lie, a lie which I have believed and been bruised by for quite awhile now. The teaching was this, when times are hard, go to the Word of God. The lie was this, when I feel overwhelmed, sad or frightened and I go to God’s Word, written or sung, I am putting a bandage on the problem.
A few years ago I had an injury. The doctor I saw told me to wear a pressure bandage. Bryan, a physical therapist with whom I work, told me that bandage wasn’t doing me any good. He explained that all the bandage did was compress the area to make it feel better when in fact it wasn’t. That was true and was also excellent advice. It would seem that what the enemy was telling me was similar.
In going to the Word of God I could get lost in the comfort of the familiar stories. In singing His praise I could change my mood simply by singing. Bottom line, I was fooling myself. Unfortunately I have believed that for several months now and have walked away from the wise practice of seeking first the Lord and His wisdom. It has gotten to the point where in the toughest times it is my temptation to just sit and expect God to rescue me, which by the way He is more than happy to do.
This morning, after the revelations I was confessing my error to God and I almost laughed out loud. For years a joke has circulated about a man trapped in a flood. He makes his way to his roof and cries out to Jesus for rescue. A boat comes along but he refuses the help because God is coming to help him. Next is a plane and then a helicopter, all as the water rises and all of which he refuses, only to drown and then meet God. Upon meeting God the man asks why his prayers weren’t answered. God replies, “I sent you a boat, a plane and helicopter! What did you want?” He wanted the literal hand of God to reach out and lift him up. When our Father reminded me of that joke and showed me the similarity of my behavior it was at once a relief and an embarrassment.
After all these years of receiving peace and comfort from the Word, written or sung why did I listen to the enemy? Where else would I go for relief? Where indeed! Nowhere is the problem. There is nowhere else for me to go which means until out of discipline or desperation I reached for the Word I was stuck on the roof of my own lousy attitude with no way down.
The saddest part is that in those times I missed the point in more ways than one. No matter what I cannot start my day without at least a little Scripture. So even on my worst days I would read a little or listen to a little. Then I would reject it, using Satan’s lies, telling myself that I was manufacturing a faulty peace and that it was not from God.
Praise God today I am off the roof, live and ready to fight. God sends me not a boat or a plane but His promises, His story, His love in the form of written word and song. When my heart hurts, no matter how deeply, the answer is in the Word of God. I cannot manufacture the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7) but I can cling to it.
Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32
I was reminded this morning of a very simple teaching and that reminder exposed a huge lie, a lie which I have believed and been bruised by for quite awhile now. The teaching was this, when times are hard, go to the Word of God. The lie was this, when I feel overwhelmed, sad or frightened and I go to God’s Word, written or sung, I am putting a bandage on the problem.
A few years ago I had an injury. The doctor I saw told me to wear a pressure bandage. Bryan, a physical therapist with whom I work, told me that bandage wasn’t doing me any good. He explained that all the bandage did was compress the area to make it feel better when in fact it wasn’t. That was true and was also excellent advice. It would seem that what the enemy was telling me was similar.
In going to the Word of God I could get lost in the comfort of the familiar stories. In singing His praise I could change my mood simply by singing. Bottom line, I was fooling myself. Unfortunately I have believed that for several months now and have walked away from the wise practice of seeking first the Lord and His wisdom. It has gotten to the point where in the toughest times it is my temptation to just sit and expect God to rescue me, which by the way He is more than happy to do.
This morning, after the revelations I was confessing my error to God and I almost laughed out loud. For years a joke has circulated about a man trapped in a flood. He makes his way to his roof and cries out to Jesus for rescue. A boat comes along but he refuses the help because God is coming to help him. Next is a plane and then a helicopter, all as the water rises and all of which he refuses, only to drown and then meet God. Upon meeting God the man asks why his prayers weren’t answered. God replies, “I sent you a boat, a plane and helicopter! What did you want?” He wanted the literal hand of God to reach out and lift him up. When our Father reminded me of that joke and showed me the similarity of my behavior it was at once a relief and an embarrassment.
After all these years of receiving peace and comfort from the Word, written or sung why did I listen to the enemy? Where else would I go for relief? Where indeed! Nowhere is the problem. There is nowhere else for me to go which means until out of discipline or desperation I reached for the Word I was stuck on the roof of my own lousy attitude with no way down.
The saddest part is that in those times I missed the point in more ways than one. No matter what I cannot start my day without at least a little Scripture. So even on my worst days I would read a little or listen to a little. Then I would reject it, using Satan’s lies, telling myself that I was manufacturing a faulty peace and that it was not from God.
Praise God today I am off the roof, live and ready to fight. God sends me not a boat or a plane but His promises, His story, His love in the form of written word and song. When my heart hurts, no matter how deeply, the answer is in the Word of God. I cannot manufacture the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7) but I can cling to it.
Am loving this post! I am familiar with the joke, but am sure I am as guilty as anyone for "waiting for a sign" when it is smack in front of my face! Hope your day was good! We must get together soon!!