Every Knee Shall Bow

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Philippians 2:9-10

There is an item in the news this morning that is frankly making me ill. Somewhere in New York several boys were suspended from school for bowing their knee in what looks like prayer. It isn’t prayer however; it is an imitation of sports figure, Tim Tebow. Putting aside for a moment the basic problem I have with the fact that the boys would not be allowed to bend their knees in AMERICA a country founded on and for religious freedom…. Let me say that I am not a sports fan. I don’t follow sports and ordinarily would never have heard of Tim Tebow except that I live in Orange Park, Florida just a bit over an hour away from Gainesville where Gators rule baby and Tim used to be their king aka, the quarterback. My children are rabid Gator fans, which is why I know a bit about Tim Tebow, who now plays for some NFL team.

Given even the little I know about Tim I have great respect for him. This is a young man who is quite honest and open in his love of God, country and his parents. He is respectful and well spoken, not the least bit flashy. There is no look at me, look at me about him which is part of the reason I think, that his obvious faith draws so much attention. A lot of people in the media seem to want to see it as self-promoting. That is ridiculous. This young man certainly has plenty of accomplishments and now a huge forum from which to promote them. He doesn’t. What he does is thank his Lord, sincerely in his own unassuming, quiet manner but he does at every opportunity. To that the media says, sit down you’re rockin’ the boat. Then in the bipolar way of what is ludicrously called “news” the media turns a personal display of faith into a circus. No more are athletes, or anyone else I suppose, bowing their knees in praise of our God, noooooooo, they’re “Tebowing.” Ugh!

Again, I don’t know Tim Tebow personally so I can only assume that he enjoys his job and some of the limelight. I would dare to say however, that he is as sickened as I am that anyone would turn genuine, faithful adoration and gratitude to God into a display of affection or admiration for him.

I bow my knee(s) fairly often in prayer and praise, in supplication and out of respect to my Lord. I like Tim Tebow as far as I know him but I will not bend my knee to him or any other human being. There is one God, one King, one Father of all and his name is not Tim.

We live in America, Tim and I, where we should be able to publicly pray, speak of our Lord or show admiration of God in any way we choose. It used to be that way. In years past no one would have seen a group of people on their knees, head bowed, eyes closed and called it anything other than prayer. Yesterday I was told again, that I am not allowed to pray in the public school where I work. For now, it is that I cannot pray in any way that is obvious or open. I can in no way influence the people around me with my faith. Before long I suspect there will be an attempt to get us not to pray in any way at all outside of our homes or churches, where that stuff belongs. When that directive was reissued in our meeting yesterday I said exactly what I meant, “Good luck.” I work with special needs children and among their needs, in my book, is that I bring their names to God for His attention and mercy. I pray in that classroom every day, for the children, my co-workers, my family and no I am not on my knees, no one is aware that I am praying but I wouldn’t care if they were. I have no problem joining my students in their prayers which according to the “rules” is not acceptable. Again I say good luck with that.

God bless Tim Tebow for being proud of his Father and grateful for all the talents and abilities that were given to him by that Father. I just pray that the attention being drawn to his faith does not harm him in anyway. I think the media and the people telling me and my co-workers that we can’t pray and belittling an honest show of faith, ought to remember one thing, if God is for us no can be against. (Romans 8:31)


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