To Follow His Example

If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself. 2 Timothy 11-13

“He cannot disown himself.” We are God’s children. As our Father He sees us as a part of Him. We can make mistakes as well as conscious bad choices and He will forgive us. What a great feeling to know that every time I turn back to Him, repent, God will accept me with open arms.

I have been disowned. Let me assure you, it’s as painful and nasty as it sounds. The worst of it is that it isn’t a once for all thing, as it sounds. It’s a continuous pattern. Certainly the event of being told, that’s it, we’re done with you was a once for all event but as life goes on, so does the reality that I am no longer a part of a whole that should have a spot for me. The niche that was mine is closed. For me the words of Thomas Wolfe are very true, you can’t go home again. Fortunately the above words from Timothy are also true, as are the words of Paul to the Romans in chapter eight verse twenty-eight, “And we know all things work together for good to those who love God, those who are called according to his purpose.” Here in this world I have been disowned and it isn’t pleasant but through it I have seen the hand of my Father in heaven who will never disown me.

My four children have given me plenty of opportunity to imitate our Father’s behavior. Raised on the foundation of the Holy Word, they all know what is expected of them. Yet each one of them has strayed and/or lived in a way that ignores the Word of God. Each time they do it breaks my heart and yet they are my own. They know that while I will not condone their choices I will also not turn my back. It is my desire and intent to love them as my Father loves me.

I fall so far short of living the way God wants me to live in so many areas. I know the Scripture well that admonishes us to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48) That reality is far, far away for me. Too much of my life is self-centered rather than God centered. Too many of my thoughts are critical or unkind. Even with full knowledge of those facts, my Father still loves me and will not abandon me. My children benefit from the disloyalty of my birth family and much more important from the perfect love of my true Father. Those four are my own and I cannot disown them.

Too many people say that the Bible is old and not relevant. I disagree and whether they’re living the Word or not, I bet my kids would too. All of us have learned and benefitted from the Word of God. It is alive, real and extremely relevant.


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