
Peter replied, “repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off---for all whom the Lord our God will call. Acts 2:38-39

Many of the teachings I have read refer to this passage as Peter’s first sermon. In many of today’s churches only a certain few people are able to preach. We want to be sure that the Scripture reference used are accurate and that they aren’t going to offend anyone. The pastors of most churches spend hours upon hours creating and polishing the sermons they present.

Peter didn’t do that, exactly as evidenced by Acts 3:13. The members of the Sanhedrin saw him as “unschooled.” Peter didn’t pull out dissertations by learned men. He didn’t consult websites and he didn’t need a screen for his film clips. All Peter needed was a crowd willing to listen and his own experiences.

When the crowds gathered around Peter they didn’t look for a cleric’s collar or ask about his PH.D or his D.Min. The only degree Peter or his listeners were interested in was his TSJ (time spent with Jesus).

Too often we think that it takes all kinds of initials or pieces of paper to make a person an authority on the movements of the Holy Spirit and the character of Jesus. While I am certainly pleased to be taught by a pastor who has studied the Word and has the letters to prove it, his credentials don’t impress me nearly as much as humility and his openness to continued learning.

Peter was blessed to have spent time walking with Jesus during his time here on Earth. He was able to observe Jesus, to listen to Jesus and to look into his face. We do not have that privilege but we can get to know him very well by reading Scripture and living as closely to him as possible. When Jesus speaks to our hearts sometimes it is just for that individual but sometimes he gives us experiences or words to share with others.

Years ago my friend Judy’s husband used to tease her about her WOKs. She would spend time alone with God and pray and pray for His guidance. Many times He answered her directly with a word of knowledge, WOK. Jim thought it was just so funny to pick on her about it. There were times when Judy would go into her prayer closet (a literal closet, by the way) and refuse to come out until God met her with a WOK. She would then share those things she learned with the rest of us in her study group. She was extremely faithful and God blessed her faith. What if she hadn’t shared with us because her degree is that of an RN and not a ministry degree? We would have missed out on so many great insights.

God can and will speak through anyone He chooses. Whatever sermon you hear make sure it agrees with Scripture. Every one of us is a human being and sometimes we get it wrong, degree or no degree, collar or no collar. When God taps you to share His Word do it proudly and boldly like Peter before you. Remember God doesn’t choose the able. He enables the chosen.


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