The Limp

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
For you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

I’m walking with a limp these days. The limp is from an old injury, one that when I mistreat it, flairs up and causes me pain. This morning, limping through my den, it was a painful reminder, literally, of my spiritual walk. Praise God, I am not limping spiritually right this minute, but I was a little earlier and quite frankly, I do too much of the time.

The truth is I am not at all where I want to be spiritually, but I hope and pray that I am where God wants me to be for now. My spiritual limp comes from injuries as well. It comes from life, a life lived with other flawed human beings who because of their injuries inflicted pain on me. I in turn have caused pain to others. It’s a horribly vicious cycle and would be devastating to think about if it weren’t for the positive side.

For the past several months I have been working on my weight and on getting in better shape. I have a couple of exercise videos that I use. They certainly require me to use my feet and when my injury is bothering me it is quite uncomfortable. I still do the exercise however and that made me think about my spiritual walk.

When the limp in my faith flares up I don’t always adjust and keep trying. No, far too often I back down. Maybe God didn’t mean me. Maybe those promises are for people who get the whole faith thing better. Perhaps it would be easier to just not try than to keep failing. I don’t want to look foolish, after all. Believe me I know how weak those arguments are, but considering the whole exercise aspect it gets much worse.

Picture a giraffe on roller skates, now add the limp.... got it? That’s me doing the exercises. No talent, not much rhythm with a body that quite frankly needs work. Do I quit? No! Because I am determined to get better at the whole thing.

So where is that determination in my faith? Well, thanks be to God, it’s growing every day. Those Biblical promises are there for any and all who put their faith in Jesus. I’ don’t have to get it right the first time, or the one hundredth. I just have to keep my eyes on Jesus and do what I believe He is leading me to do.

When I begin to limp, physically, I know it’s time to rest my foot and to wear different shoes. I know that a little pampering is in order. My foot, since the injury, is never quite right. On the days when the pain is not there or barely there, I still experience a vulnerability that, I hope, keeps me from causing further damage. So it is with my spiritual limp. There are days when you wouldn’t be able to see it. Those are great days! Sadly there are days when it is so profound that only the loving supportive hand of my Father, propping me up that gets me through. Those days, though harder, are even greater than the good days.

On the days when I am nearly a spiritual cripple, my faith grows. I learn that nothing can keep from the merciful hand of God. I experience the truth of Joshua 1:5 “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” While gimping along I am uncomfortable and like a drowning person I may fight against the hand that is saving me, but in retrospect, I can always see the love that is in those hands.

Limping, crawling or strolling along easily, the Lord is my shepherd and for that I am tremendously grateful.


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