
Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment. James 2:12-13

People talk about Scripture being alive, breathing. I like that concept. There are a few passages that are very much like dear friends to me. Micah 6:8, Psalm 23, John 1:1-2, Philippians 2:5-11, etc. etc. These two verses from James, in particular the last four words are the top of the heap. "Mercy triumphs over judgment.” I want my life to read like Micah 6:8 but I fall so very short! This one, this sentence in James however, this is an integral part of my life. That is not to my credit, really. I believe myself to be a merciful person yes, but only because so very much of God’s mercy has made its way into my life. Mercy flows to me all the time. Maybe it’s the same for everyone and I’m just more aware of it, in any case, I have several examples of ways in which I have received God’s mercy. Thanks be to God, I have a few examples of showing mercy toward others when I would much rather have jumped into the judgment seat.

Years ago a man we know fairly well fell from grace in a loud, ugly and extremely public way. My first thoughts were for his wife and children, children who weren’t babies, but were at an age where their friends would question them about their dad’s behavior. I could feel myself starting the climb to the judgment seat. How dare he? Jerk! Then, bam! I felt something putting the brakes on my attitude. There but for the grace of God go I. Was he stupid? Yes. Inconsiderate? In the extreme. Was it my place to pass judgment? No! From there it was so easy to feel a bit of his pain. How awful to watch not just your world, but the world around your family crumbling in a myriad of excruciating pieces. My heart changed. It went out to him and I sent him a card quoting that exact verse, “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” Now we have a friendly acquaintance style relationship which I don’t think would be possible had I chosen to sit in the judgment seat during his dark days.

Today I stand surrounded by situations that once again are calling me to choose, mercy or judgment? I am sad to say I have chosen judgment way more often than I’d like to do. Thankfully, I can say that when I have accepted God’s grace and chosen mercy, the difference is amazing!

Of course I am not alone in life and some of the people around me are facing the exact same choices. Where I have been blessed to choose mercy I see where others are choosing judgment. I see it in their eyes, in their body language and in their stress level. I would never want to be an actual judge. The life and death, freedom or captivity choices are so huge. Yet, we do it on a small scale all the time. When I fail to show mercy I hold that person captive to my opinions. The interactions we have then, are based on what I think he or she deserves. How should I know what they deserve? Thankfully God does not give me what I deserve!

Mercy triumphs over judgment. Accountability notwithstanding, I say, choose mercy. It will go better for you and everyone around you as well.


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