Spread Grace


“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemies.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
Matthew 5:43-44

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Colossians 4:6

Grace and peace be ours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. 2 Peter 1:2


There’s a lot of talk, too much talk, right now in the world about germs and viruses and the spread of both. This morning I am expecting to see five of my grandchildren. As I was praying to be a blessing to them today a thought occurred to me, it’s a little silly but hear me out.

          When some of the children are here it’s as if I’ve grown a third leg.  I can easily stop and have some little body slam into me, they stay that close. Often when I’m washing dishes or washing my hands, there’s a little one at my elbow.  To be silly with them, I sprinkle a little water their way.  Most of them love it, all of them anticipate it.

          Thinking of that and seeing the image of one of my granddaughters right at my side I said a prayer.

          “Lord, please, let me sprinkle my grandchildren today, not with water but with Your grace. Help me, in my words and actions, to show them a glimpse of You. Amen.”

          What if we approached everyone that way? Certainly I want to sprinkle, splash, douse my grandchildren in grace but what about their parents? My own children, all adults now, can get under my skin quite easily.  I don’t feel terribly gracious toward them in those moments. I don’t feel grace toward them but what if I sprinkled it anyway?

          Further, what if I sprinkle grace toward the irritating co-worker or the rude clerk at the store or…. Everyone?

          The negative thought or comment is too often easy to find in any interaction, at home, at work and in our social events. I don’t want to bring the negative. I also don’t want to come empty handed. Saying or doing nothing is often just as bad as saying or doing something harmful.

          After saying the prayer above I realized that is how God wants me and most likely you, to live. We need to walk around our world sprinkling grace, especially on the most graceless people we see.

          As far as my grandchildren go, it’s twofold. They will receive grace and love from me and hopefully learn from my example as I am learning from Jesus, the personification of love and grace.




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