

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

This morning I was thinking about how little people see each other.  I don’t mean that we aren’t together. It’s more of a level of observation thing.  There are people in our lives who cross our paths every single day.  Do we truly see them? Think of the person closest to you, someone you see every day. What is that person wearing today? What did he/she wear yesterday?

          I will never forget picking my oldest son up from Junior High, many, many years ago.  At that time I worked in an elementary school and so, left the house before he did. Getting to his school that afternoon I realized that I had no idea what he was wearing and in the sea of faces pouring from the building that would have been very helpful information.  The longer it took him to come out to the car, the greater the need to know grew. What if he didn’t come out and I was asked what he was wearing? I had no idea but I was fairly certain that “red sweat pants and a big t-shirt” aka pajamas, was not the correct answer. 

          I know what my husband is wearing today even though it isn’t his typical work outfit only because I commented on the shirt.  Small details that we don’t notice can make a huge difference in our relationships. So, I’ll ask again. Do you really see the people closest to you?

          How about the Holy Spirit? Do you see Him? Hear Him? While we may not be looking for a physical being, we should be able to see, feel and hear God.

          I was humbled about eight years ago when my granddaughter Faith shared something God had spoken to her. I asked if God spoke to her often.  She said in her sweet little six year old way, “Gram-gram, God talks to everyone all the time. Adults just don’t listen.”  Ouch!

          Then just last week my granddaughter Margaret said that God tells her what’s important and what isn’t. In her amazing five year old wisdom she said, “If God says it’s not aportant, I stop thinking about it.” Wow! Good for you Margaret!

          I asked her if she could hear God’s voice and she told me no. She said that he talks to her, “in her heart.”  She went on to say that He talks to her the same way He talks to everyone else. “Can’t you hear Him Grammy?”  Obviously not well enough angel girl and that is on me.

          It’s on you too.  Our relationship with God should be the most important or “aportant” one we have. No, I will never be able to tell you what He’s wearing but I should know what He wants me to say, do or think about.

My girls got it right. We need to slow down, listen and be more observant. We should never take that relationship for granted.


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