Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 This morning I was thinking about how little people see each other. I don’t mean that we aren’t together. It’s more of a level of observation thing. There are people in our lives who cross our paths every single day. Do we truly see them? Think of the person closest to you, someone you see every day. What is that person wearing today? What did he/she wear yesterday? I will never forget picking my oldest son up from Junior High, many, many years ago. At that time I worked in an elementary school and so, left the house before he did. Getting to his school that afternoon I realized that I had no idea what he was wearing and in the sea of faces pouring from the building that would have been very helpful information. The longer it took him to come out to the car, the greater the...