New Friend


You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Matthew 25:43-44

Over the past couple of months I've made a new friend at work. This is an odd friendship as it is not with a co-worker but with a child. She's a fifth grade student at my school who I met while doing my student dismissal duty. At first glance we may not seem the most likely of friends, an older woman and a young girl and then it gets odder.

The older woman in the scenario, me, tends to be pretty straight forward about what she believes, that Jesus Christ is Lord and I wear cross earrings or pendants fairly often. The young girl also wears a symbol of what she believes, on her head, covering her head. Got the visual now?

Our friendship started one day when she asked me if I like football and if so, what team? I'm a Redskins fan and she is a Bengals fan. Better represented, I'm a fan. She is a FAN. Before long she was watching my games as well as her own, so that we could discuss them. Don't you love her? I'm telling you this kid! She's adorable.

Then the week came for serious make it or break it time. This was the week that would seal or destroy our friendship. Our teams were playing each other. For the week leading up, my little sweetie would ask me every day to promise that no matter the outcome of the game, on Monday we'd still be friends. The big day came and miracle of miracles (perhaps not for either team but for us) our teams tied! More bonding!

That same week another teacher on duty with me pulled me aside to ask a question. “How is it that you love that kid?” She asked me, no accusation in her voice, just true bewilderment. She went on to comment on what she sees in me, all very nice. (I wish that I were the person she sees.) Then she asked again, in light of what she sees as deep faith in Jesus, how could I love that particular kid? A kid who, to her, represents the enemy, the people who attacked our country while those very children were attending “our” schools.

I get where she's coming from, I do. However, I don't see an enemy when I look at my little friend. I'm not blind. I see the thing on her head but I also see and hear her heart. She's darling! And, she wasn't even born in 2001! Beyond that her manners are impeccable. She's kind and obviously being raised well.

So, my response to my co-worker? “I don't really think about any of that. I see an adorable kid who loves football and is being raised well. To be fair, I am aware of our differences. We're told to make disciples of all men. I may be the only Jesus that little doll is seeing right now and someday, that may make a difference.”

I didn't set out to “save a soul.” I didn't even set out to make a friend. All I did was respond to a child. By doing so, perhaps I've planted a seed, perhaps not. What I know for sure, my co-worker is right, on the surface, she seems to be on the side of our enemies. What I also know for sure is that my Father said to love my enemies and in this case, this precious kid makes that so easy.

Maybe we should all try looking beyond clothing, skin color, professed beliefs and start looking at hearts. Some are sweet and some are bitter, either way, we're called to pray for them. If we don't that makes us wrong, not them.


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