Fear Not


So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Do not be afraid, or depending on the translation of your Bible, fear not. Those words are said to be in the Bible 365 times. Stop for a second and let the significance of that sink into your soul. 365 times we are told not to be afraid, to fear not. 365. That's one time for each day of every year.

Regardless of the circumstance, the story surrounding the words, just consider the significance of the number of times they are used, 365. So what day is the fearful one? On which day of the year should we be afraid? None. Not one day, because like every moment of our lives, every hair on our heads, Abba has it covered. Jesus came to save us from the power of fear and death. There is nothing we will face that isn't already known to our Father in heaven, our loving Abba, who day by day loves and cares for us.

There is no place we can go, no action we can take, no circumstance that can come along that can separate us from God's love.

Fear not. Easy for me to say right? Wrong. Through my numerous years of life I've had many, many opportunities to feel deep fear and I'm sorry to say that too often I've succumbed to those fears. I'm still learning to have a verse from God's love letter ready to combat those fears. Psalm 23:4, Isaiah 41:10, Luke 2:10, Psalm 25:1-3, Psalm 56:3-4, Psalm 91, to name just a few. There are so many more verses, verses that use the words, “fear not” or “do not be afraid” and verses that just breed confidence. Search for them, find them, make them your own and then, fear not, Abba is with you.


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