Seeking God
the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne
high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
to me!” I cried, “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips and
I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the
King, the Lord Almighty.” Isaiah 6:1, 4
past couple of weeks have not been easy ones. It seems that the enemy
is not content to attack one area of my life but rather likes to hit
multiple targets and he has great aim. There is no avoiding the
attacks. They are blatant, loud and disturbing. On one front I'd made
up my mind to just not look at it. Ignore it and it will fade away.
That didn't work. Meanwhile I continued doing what I do, seeking God
first thing every morning, meeting with Him in prayer, reading and
simply being together. From there I've had the strength to face each
day and though there are dents in my joy by evening, I have my
nightly refresher with my Abba and as promised in Scripture, joy
comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)
Bible tells us repeatedly that God is faithful, mighty to save and
that He is our strength. We are called and encouraged to seek God, to
draw close to Him and we are promised that when we seek Him we will
find Him and we do. We are also promised that when we draw close to
Him, He will draw us closer still and He does. It is easy then to see
the Abba/Daddy side of God, to get used to His protection and
nearness and forget about His majestic side. We minimize the depth
and reach of His power.
other day our pastor was talking about Isaiah's reaction to seeing
God. He made a slightly chagrined, cowering posture to demonstrate
how Isaiah might have reacted. He went on to say that we would most
certainly react in similar fashion when face to face with God. I'm
sure he's right. When we see God face to face everything else will
disappear in the light of His glory.
my pastor's words made me realize is that through this rough patch in
my life I am experiencing a version of that revelation every day. As
I said, each day I wake up and embrace the renewed joy the Lord has
promised us. I speak to Abba, using words that He gave me, to claim
that joy and peace. I then spend time with Him and I see His face, so
to speak. I see where He is working in my life. I feel the comfort of
His love flowing over all the things I perceive as problems and
truly, though I know I will leave that quiet, sacred time and space
and move into the ordinary, trying challenges of this current season
in my life, I know the way to not just survive but to grow, maybe
even to flourish and thrive. It's not a big secret. It's what we
learn through the stories of Peter attempting to walk on the water,
of Stephen before the Sanhedrin, of Daniel in the lion's den. Keep
our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. His beauty
and majesty will eclipse all of life's issues. We'll still feel the
sting of our circumstances until we get through. We'll feel the heat
of the fire but we won't be burned, not if we love, serve and seek
our mighty God.
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