Divine Protection

Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can rob his house. Matthew 12:29
Several of my friends are gun owners. I joke that a gun in my hand is weapon for whoever is coming against me because I have no clue how to use a gun. I do however, have weapons that can keep my worst enemy away and those are praise, worship and thanksgiving.

My life has never been threatened by someone with a gun. I've never been in danger of losing my possessions to anyone holding a gun. I have been threatened by someone, namely Satan, attempting to steal my peace, my joy and my faith. Satan could care less if I own a gun or whether or not I can use it. He is not deterred by guns. What does deter him is any attention that I give to God.

In the past few days I've been challenged on both the professional and personal fronts of my life. In my humanness I felt attacked, disrespected and hurt. It would have been easy for the enemy to carry off my joy, my peace and my strength. My faith is a bit more secure these days so it wouldn't have been carried off but it could have been dented. If I had let him, “tie me up” with cords of anger, bitterness and self pity he would be victorious and I would be a heap on the floor. None of that happened because I used my weapons.

Even as I was complaining to friends about the job situation, I was saying, “but I believe that God has a plan. I'm trusting that He is working this for my good.” In my private moments with God I was singing praise, quoting Scripture, remembering whose I am rather than thinking about what I might have to do. It wasn't easy but I dare say that it's a much more pleasant experience than having to defend yourself with a gun. For while I felt and still feel, injured and a bit insecure, I also know that my Defender is standing right beside me. He is going before me and He most certainly has my back covered. Beyond that, focusing on Him increases my joy in ways I can't fully explain.

The personal attack is a bit more difficult because I can't reach out to anyone. In part because it is that personal but mostly because I'm at a loss for a words to express my feelings. Again I used the weapons I was given and again I felt surrounded on all sides by my Savior and King.

Matthew 12:37 says, “For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned.” No matter how hard the enemy comes against us we need to fight back with praise, worship and thanksgiving. The God of angel armies is absolutely on our side and no weapon forged against us shall prevail. (Isaiah 54:17)


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