

I am the vine and you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Apart from me you can do nothing.” Do you read the news? I don't but even at that, the news is inescapable. There are horrors and tragedies everywhere and sadly that's all we want to talk about. Surely there are triumphs, victories, kindnesses but if they make the news it's the small print on the back page.

In John 15:5, Jesus said, “Apart from me you can do nothing.” I think that may be the biggest problem in the world today. We have, as my Gram would say, gotten too big for our britches. Look at all “we've” accomplished! We, as my friend Bella says, is too many. A few brilliant or clever people have advanced technologies and medical sciences to a point where too many of us feel as if we can take care of ourselves. We cannot.

When we fall into the trap of thinking that we can handle a challenge, situation or task in our lives all on our own, we're wrong. “I've got this.” Really? Then “I” is not enough and “we” would be better but truly “He” would be the perfect way to see things. I can do nothing. Not one thing, on my own. I breathe because God allows me to breathe. I walk, talk, think, create, and on and on, because God allows and enables me to do those things. Apart from Him I can do nothing.

Pride goes before a fall. (Proverbs 16:8) In our current times we have become terribly prideful. Look at our accomplishments! That is spoken on a large scale about inventions, advancements, etcetera but we do it on a personal level as well. “I just didn't think I could do that but look, it's done!” Aren't I fabulous? Hmmm... did you do that on your own? Really?

I truly believe this verse, “For in him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28a If you look at my life you might see some accomplishments but I'm here to tell you I did not do any of it on my own. When I take things into my own hands, no prayer, no seeking God first, they either flop, which isn't too awful or blow up in my face. That latter would be the pride before the fall truth.

As a nation, as God's creation, we need to humble ourselves, seek Him and pray because truly apart from Him we can do nothing. The more we ignore Him the more heinous and dark our world becomes. Recognize God's hand in your life and share that. Talk about it. Shine your light. Otherwise, as Gram also used to say, “we're going to hell in a hand basket.” But hey, at least we'll be able to say we made the basket “all by ourselves.”


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