light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
3:16 says, “for God so loved the world.” That is the broad sense,
for the world. Jesus Christ died for you, _____________. Please put
your name in there. Then read John 3:16 that way, “For God so
loved____________ that he gave his one and only Son, that everyone
who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
so loved you. Jesus so loved you. How is that possible? I don't know
about you but I don't see myself as that important and I know that
I'm not in any way, shape or form, worthy of that sacrifice and by
God's grace I know, intellectually, that I don't have to be.
days when I read God's Word and see the grace that is endless, the
love that never fails, the mercy that endures I am completely
overwhelmed. If you have never been overwhelmed by the Word of God I
invite you to spend more time in it. Page after page, verse after
verse you will find love that defies our limited understanding. How much do you think you love your nearest and dearest? A lot, right? You
do not love them the way that your Father loves you.
a gospel and read the story of the crucifixion, better yet, read all
four. Take the time and really read the words, see the love, mercy
and grace. See what the Light of the world did for you,
you__________. It's going to make your day and maybe even change your
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