The Freeing Spirit


Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV)

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17 (NKJV)

It is hard for me to understand how people live without God.  Thankfully over half of my life has been lived with a real relationship with the Trinity.  Beyond that I was raised in church and as much as that means nothing on its own, I believe God was always preparing my heart to welcome him.  I cannot think of a time in my life that for better or worse was not influenced by my idea and/or knowledge of God.

Just a few days ago I listened as my very dear friend, Kim, recounted events in her mother’s life. To say the situation is unstable is a vast understatement as it leans precariously close to deadly.  My heart broke for my friend, first of all because I love her and I know she loves her mother.  I also felt a deep connection as just ten days prior I had experienced a similar event with someone exceedingly close to me. I knew firsthand the fear and disappointment that my friend was feeling.  I also knew the desperation. We who love Jesus, who depend on the love of our Father and the guidance of the Holy Spirit are terrified when we see a loved one on such a well defined path of destruction with no thought to salvation.

As we prayed, Kim, another dear sister in Christ and I, the above verse rolled around in my head.  “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”  Or as it is written in the NIV, “freedom.”  When it was my turn to pray that is exactly what I prayed for Kim’s mother and for Kim and I realized why that verse was poking at my mind. That is what Kim’s mom needs. It’s what my loved one needs as well, liberty and freedom but the kind that come from the Spirit of the Lord.

Their stories are dissimilar in detail. Their bondages are dissimilar but they have in common one very important detail, neither of them acknowledges the sovereignty of Jesus Christ. They both give lip service to appease the believers around them but there is no heart behind it.  I’ll say again, I do not know how people live that way. Without Father, Son and Holy Spirit, what’s the point?

When I think of Kim’s mom, my dear one and others like them the word tortured comes to mind. I see them running in circles, chasing after a peace and a love that only comes from God.  To the outside observer, people unaware of the intimate details, both Kim’s mom and my dear one look like people who enjoy life, who are relaxed and happy, taking life as it comes.  While inside there is a sickness, a torment that comes straight out of hell. We know, Kim and I, where they can find liberty, freedom and peace and we hope and pray that they will reach for it.

What we also know is that God has a solution for every problem, a word for every hurting soul. Faced with Kim’s broken heart I knew I wanted to pray and offer comfort to her and hope for her mom. I had no idea what I would pray until God put it in my heart and mind.  That goes beyond liberty and freedom to providence and mercy.  Who wants to live without that?


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