“Well done my good servant!” his master replied. Because you have been trustworthy in very small mater, take charge of ten cities.” Luke 19:17 Most people I know are grateful for a “well done.” While it may be enough to know that we’ve given a project our all, it is still nice when someone gives us that little pat on the back. It shouldn’t be the motivation for doing things well. We should be working to please God but it’s nice when that work gets noticed. I spend a lot of time with a little girl who is the personification of the word encouragement. Those of us who know her well tease that she will never have to take a spiritual gifts assessment. Her gift is very obvious. My little angel, Brianna, came into the world with what some people see as a disadvantage. Brianna has Down syndrome. What she also has is a heart that never stops looking for ways to hearten and promote the people around her. Whenever she sees someone do even the tiniest...