A New Year

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Each day has enough worry of its own. Matthew 6:34

A new year has started and with it talks of resolutions. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions for reasons of my own. I have no problem with them and I admire people who make and keep them. Just a little while ago I read an article because I was drawn to the title. It was about faith. It turned out to be about an athlete and was a discussion, much of which I did not understand, about game strategy and backing the right guy. I did get lost in the sports terminology but the principles were sound. Believing in something and knowing it can happen because it always has, in the exact same way, requires no leap of faith. Believing when there are a whole lot of variables, that’s a different story. That article reminded me of New Year’s resolutions.

There are things like marital fidelity, fiscal responsibility, and honesty in matters large and small, which are very important and need to be decided once for all. There are other things, smaller things that can be influenced by the events of the day. Those things can actually be harder. I adore my husband. The idea of ever being unfaithful to him is beyond abhorrent. It doesn’t cross my mind. I wouldn’t compromise him in anyway. It is one of my most important and favorite privileges to honor him and take care of him. Marital fidelity sounds like a big deal but for me, that’s an easy one.

Something much harder for me is to keep my mouth shut when I see things I don’t like. That could be an injustice, which we should speak up about or it could be the outfit choice of someone walking by. It can be as huge an issue as child neglect or as small a one as someone’s eating habits. For the most part another person’s choices are not my business.

To make a resolution that says I will stay faithful and true to my husband is ridiculous. I made that choice the day he asked me to marry him. To make a resolution that says I will keep my opinions to myself. That is a horse of a different color. I want to. Actually I want to stop having opinions about everything I see. To say that I won’t form unnecessary opinions for an entire year is self-defeating. For things like that I take Jesus at his word, or Word, if you will, that each day is a separate agenda.

When I was a child I learned a prayer called “Just for Today.” It is a simple child’s prayer but I pray it all these years later. It says that we won’t pray for tomorrow but asks to be guided, guarded and kept, just for today.
Make a yearlong resolution if you’re able and God bless you. For me, I’m making mine, just for today and hoping to learn well enough that each day’s prayer can be a bit different.

Happy New Year and God Bless you.


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