
The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.
The sorrows for the appointed feasts I will remove from you; they are a burden and a reproach to you. Zephaniah 3:17-18

I find myself in a time of questioning. There is a lot in my life at the moment that I do not understand. There are Scriptures that I love, that I know to be absolute truth, that seem to not actually be meant for me. While I wouldn’t say that I’m having a crisis of faith I would say that I’m feeling a little shaky.
These verses from Zephaniah are not verses with which I was terribly familiar until I came upon them one day while just thumbing through the Bible. I’d finished my daily readings and was just sort of looking around when these popped out. They seemed important and I noted them for future reference. You never know when you’re going to need a little encouragement, right? I did not find them very applicable to anything that was going on at that time.

My granddaughter Faith, has amazing faith for a child her age, she’s six and doesn’t attend church very often. Somewhere along the way, however, she’s picked up a deep and abiding love for and trust of God. One evening she was telling me a story about God and referred to him as the “One who always watches over us.” When I asked why she called him that she said it was her favorite of all of his names. After recovering from the shock that she knew—how I don’t know—that God has many names I asked her why that was her favorite. She told me it was because whenever you need him, there he is, watching over you.

Today looking at this verse from Zephaniah, a verse I found at random, several weeks ago, I thought of Faith’s words. God is always watching over us. He is always our safety net. The first time I read these words I loved them but I didn’t need them. Today I need them. I need to know that God is with me, that he is might to save and that he loves me enough to save me because saving is exactly what I need.

Sometimes when we read the Bible we wonder why we’re led to certain passages. They don’t seem to make sense or pertain to us. Later those words come back to strengthen or comfort us. God wastes nothing. If he puts a word in front of us, it’s for a good reason. If we go through a trial, it’s for a good reason. If we suffer or fail, feel at ease or have triumphs there is a purpose. In our worst moments we cannot understand and we may cry out asking why. I don’t usually get answers to those cries but I know he’s listening. I’m on a need to know basis and most of the time, I guess, I don’t need to know. All God wants me to do is trust him. His will is perfect and best and after all, he’s always watching over me.


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