Noah and Timing
So Noah came out together with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives. All of the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground and all the birds—everything that moves on the earth—came out of the ark, one kind after another. Genesis 8:18-19
Do you know about Noah? I’m sure you do. Noah is a fairly illustrious guy. I’ve read his story a few times in my life including earlier today. What hit me during this reading was timing. Noah sent out the raven…. not yet. Okay, then he sent out the dove. Nope, still not dry. Then he sent the dove again, and received signs that the land was drying up. After that he still had to wait for God to say, “okay Noah, now get out of the ark.” That’s patience and a firm reliance on God’s timing. Not my strong suit.
A year or so ago one of my favorite Christian bands released a new CD. The first song from the CD was all over the radio. I never listened to the whole thing. I would hear a few bars and decide that oddly enough, I just didn’t like that song. This band has a lot of CDs and of all of their songs there are maybe one or two that I don’t love. So this was strange, to have no interest in listening to the whole song. A few months later I heard a different song from that CD and liked it. Eventually I bought the CD, again odd because I usually get this band’s CDs as soon as humanly possible. Even after buying it I didn’t listen to the whole thing. Then a few weeks ago I turned it on and started from song one listening, really listening to the whole thing. I’m sure you are way ahead of me here and know that one of my current favorites is the one I thought I didn’t like. It has brought great comfort and hope to me during a very odd, sad and confusing time in my life.
What you may be asking does this have to do with Noah? Let me explain. Noah listened to God. He heard God and did exactly what was asked of him as far as the whole ark project went. He went in when God said go in and came out when God said come out, not sooner, not later. Noah fully relied on God’s timing. He trusted that God knew best. Sometimes I am good about God’s timing and other times I tend to be a lot more like Abraham and Sarah were with Hagar. God in His incredible wisdom and mercy knows that and so sometimes takes things out of my hands.
I believe that my current favorite song did not appeal to me at first because God wanted it that way. Knowing me He knew I wouldn’t wait to hear it until I needed it most. So He distracted me from it with other songs, other things. Then when it was best in His time, He showed it to me.
I wish that I were more like Noah and would just sit and wait for God’s nudge. I don’t. If I had been captain of the ark we would all have drowned, getting off way too soon. Patience may be a virtue but it is one with which I am not terribly familiar. Even in my immense weakness God lovingly leads me. God’s timing is best. God’s will is best and God’s mercy is endless. That is a great deal for us because our timing is often off. Our wills are often misguided and I don’t know about you but my mercy has serious limits.
Today has been an odd and difficult day for me. I’m feeling quite uncomfortable but I have listened to the words in my new favorite song and followed the advice therein. I know my Jesus is right here by my side. I know my Father has great plans for me and I hope that I will patiently wait until He reveals them.
Do you know about Noah? I’m sure you do. Noah is a fairly illustrious guy. I’ve read his story a few times in my life including earlier today. What hit me during this reading was timing. Noah sent out the raven…. not yet. Okay, then he sent out the dove. Nope, still not dry. Then he sent the dove again, and received signs that the land was drying up. After that he still had to wait for God to say, “okay Noah, now get out of the ark.” That’s patience and a firm reliance on God’s timing. Not my strong suit.
A year or so ago one of my favorite Christian bands released a new CD. The first song from the CD was all over the radio. I never listened to the whole thing. I would hear a few bars and decide that oddly enough, I just didn’t like that song. This band has a lot of CDs and of all of their songs there are maybe one or two that I don’t love. So this was strange, to have no interest in listening to the whole song. A few months later I heard a different song from that CD and liked it. Eventually I bought the CD, again odd because I usually get this band’s CDs as soon as humanly possible. Even after buying it I didn’t listen to the whole thing. Then a few weeks ago I turned it on and started from song one listening, really listening to the whole thing. I’m sure you are way ahead of me here and know that one of my current favorites is the one I thought I didn’t like. It has brought great comfort and hope to me during a very odd, sad and confusing time in my life.
What you may be asking does this have to do with Noah? Let me explain. Noah listened to God. He heard God and did exactly what was asked of him as far as the whole ark project went. He went in when God said go in and came out when God said come out, not sooner, not later. Noah fully relied on God’s timing. He trusted that God knew best. Sometimes I am good about God’s timing and other times I tend to be a lot more like Abraham and Sarah were with Hagar. God in His incredible wisdom and mercy knows that and so sometimes takes things out of my hands.
I believe that my current favorite song did not appeal to me at first because God wanted it that way. Knowing me He knew I wouldn’t wait to hear it until I needed it most. So He distracted me from it with other songs, other things. Then when it was best in His time, He showed it to me.
I wish that I were more like Noah and would just sit and wait for God’s nudge. I don’t. If I had been captain of the ark we would all have drowned, getting off way too soon. Patience may be a virtue but it is one with which I am not terribly familiar. Even in my immense weakness God lovingly leads me. God’s timing is best. God’s will is best and God’s mercy is endless. That is a great deal for us because our timing is often off. Our wills are often misguided and I don’t know about you but my mercy has serious limits.
Today has been an odd and difficult day for me. I’m feeling quite uncomfortable but I have listened to the words in my new favorite song and followed the advice therein. I know my Jesus is right here by my side. I know my Father has great plans for me and I hope that I will patiently wait until He reveals them.
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