Jesus Christ is Born

She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

I love music. I say that my life has a soundtrack because for every event, major and minor in my life, I attach a song. Now the Christmas season is here and with the Christmas season comes Christmas music, which I love. Every year one song becomes my favorite, the one I have to hear over and over again. Last year it was a tie between “Sing Mary Sing” and “Go Tell It On The Mountain.” Whether it is my current favorite or last year’s fave or just one I really like a lot, all of the Christmas songs speak to me. We’re not talking Jingle Bell Rock here, I mean the ones you’d sing in church.

Earlier tonight I was listening to Christmas CDs as I prepared some food for a gathering at work. During that time in the kitchen I heard two different versions of “Go Tell It On The Mountain.” As I listened I kept hearing, make that hearing, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ. I listened to what is referred to as Christian music so it isn’t unusual for me to hear the name of Jesus being sung. Still it hit me, over and over again, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is born.

A few minutes after listening to the second version and noticing again the name of Jesus, I heard my absolutely favorite version of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” It’s the Third Day version and it is beautiful. That’s when I realized why the singing of the name of Jesus was calling for my attention.

I grew up Roman Catholic and I was born in the late 1950’s which means Mass was in Latin and while we heard, about God, we didn’t hear much about Jesus. It wasn’t until I was in high school that I ever had a conversation about Jesus. I knew about him of course, but for most of my childhood he was a figure who showed up twice, on Christmas and on Easter. I was aware in that vague kinda’ sorta’ way that the act of receiving the Eucharist had a lot to do with Jesus. Again, it wasn’t until I was in high school that I began to understand in any real way, the importance of Jesus Christ. We did not speak his name as easily and comfortably as we do today, the relationship that allows us to do so was not encouraged in my growing up years, at least not in the RC church.

Today, while I would happily and eagerly talk about Jesus Christ all day long, the social and political powers would very much like me and others like me, to shut up. I can speak Jesus’ name but not at work, in the public school where I am employed and not in any public place where people are gathered who might take offense. To them I say…. Get. Over. It. And that is why while singing along with the words, “Jesus Christ is born” I felt that nudge that God sometimes gives me.

It is the Christmas season, although in liturgical churches it isn’t. It’s Advent but everywhere else this time before Christmas is considered the Christmas season and that somehow makes the name of Christ acceptable. For the next twenty-five days, Christians and non-Christians alike will hear and sing about Jesus. I love it!

I would love to go tell it on a mountain, in a valley or anywhere else that Jesus Christ is the savior of the world. It would be wonderful if Christians were allowed the religious freedom for which our country was founded. It would be better still if we were allowed the same freedoms that other religions are afforded. Maybe one day, if we make enough waves, we will be. For now, enjoy with me, the fact that Jesus Christ is being sung everywhere you go and shouldn’t he be? It’s his season after all.


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