A Renewed Attitude

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5

I am the embarrassed, disgusted owner of a terrible attitude. Unfortunately this attitude began over three months ago and has stolen some precious moments from me. I fought it a bit at first, but when circumstance after circumstance, betrayal and abandonment came traipsing through, the attitude was shown to be valid and though I don’t like this attitude I saw many convincing reasons to keep it and to own it. Wait a minute… No, that is not the way I was “raised.” My Father does not like that attitude and has repeatedly urged me to give it over which I would tell you I have done but the truth is I made shabby attempts. Until today, when thoroughly tired of being dreary and tired, I honestly and literally gave up. Why? Because I finally heard and saw what was going on.

For years I have been aggravated by the Negative Nancy’s whose joy in life is to point out every teeny tiny imperfection in every person and/or situation they encounter. Twice this week I was told, first in a very matter of fact statement and then in the gentlest of ways, that my attitude was negative. It isn’t like it was a news flash. I have lived with the deepening pit of this attitude for months. What struck me was the realization that my nasty attitude was beginning to impact the people around me. They were seeing me in a light that is not natural for me. Sadly I realized it was becoming home to me. I was beginning to think that as miserable as I felt that this new attitude was just another phase of life.

It happened because I listened to the lies of the enemy. Worst of all I cracked the door open, let him slip on in and then take over. Praise God, Dad showed up and did what all good dads do; he showed me the error of my ways. At first I saw his prompts as more evidence that negative and defeated is just who I am, until this morning when I cried out to Him to speak to me and asked Him not to be silent. I don’t think that God speaks in the sarcastic ways of today but in his own way he gave me a “Hello! I’ve been speaking to you loud and clear all week long.” In that instant I saw it. All the pokes, all the uncomfortable reminders were not “this is who you are, deal with it” they were, run, be free, all that garbage is over.

Begging this morning for a new attitude I was directed to an old friend, Philippians 2:5-11. Jesus is the model. That’s the attitude I’m supposed to have. Humble, loving, servant, who is often taken for granted even when giving his very life for us. We should bow our heads and bend our knees but too often we question and nag. When we do he loves us still because that is his nature and his attitude.

For years I was accused of being a Pollyanna. Not lately! I want Polly back. The glass is half-full, I suppose but even if it is half-empty or completely empty, I know the guy holding the pitcher. Everything I have, need or want resides in the hands of my Father and through my brother, Jesus, all I have to do is ask. Dad, will then give me what is best for me and when He does, no one can take it away.

I began with “I am the embarrassed, disgusted owner of a terrible attitude.” I’ll end with but thanks be to God, I have been delivered and now I am free.


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