The Presence Of God

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and they are safe.
Proverbs 18:10

Just the other day one of my students nearly died. It wasn’t because we involved in anything huge or unusual. In fact it was a simple, everyday activity that nearly killed her. She was eating lunch and choked. This is a little girl who loves her food. From what we can best surmise it was an attempt to get as much in as quickly as possible that choked her. That isn’t what is important here. What is important is that this occurred in a public school, you know, the place where we aren’t supposed to pray or mention the name of God. On Friday, that didn’t work. For at least a couple of hours there was plenty of prayer in our school.

When the episode began I was sitting beside my little sweetie and so was the first person to attempt to help her, three people and a 911 call later and she was back in a chair breathing normally. That sounds simple but it wasn’t. The second person to come along to help, or I should run up to help, was a mom, also a nurse, who just happened to be eating lunch with her own child. She was relieved by the final person in the chain who while doing her best to achieve a positive result, held out little hope of success. Our little one was unconscious and our own nurse was ready to move to the next level of rescue when a man, who just happened to be waiting to have lunch with his child, saw the struggle and went to help. His help came in the form of verbal encouragement to both our nurse and our precious child. His words changed the whole chain of events, resulting in a positive outcome. Had our nurse changed her course of action the result may not have been positive. Had that mom not come, had that dad not come, who knows?

As I made the 911 call I could see several of my co-workers whose body language absolutely suggested that they were in prayer. That supposition was later proven, when one by one they told me that as soon as they realized what was happening, they immediately went into prayer. Only one person could physically have their hands on our sweetie, a second was there to encourage and the rest of us were there to approach the throne of grace and God heard our voices.

There is a huge push to keep God out of schools. To that I say good luck! As long as His people are allowed in schools He will be there as well. We call on His name in the good times and most certainly in the trying ones.

We cried out and He answered and for the next two hours His name was praised up and down our hallways. Thank God, praise God, were spoken over and over again. Those who walked into the building oblivious to His presence were unable to ignore Him at the end of the day.

Today I will enter my classroom and eventually be greeted by that sweet smiling, albeit stubborn girl. I will hug her and tease with her. I will watch her like a hawk as she so much as sips her milk! I will be cautious with her but I won’t worry because I know that the hand of God is greater than any scheme of man or demon.


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