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There's a bigger picture you can’t see.
You don't have to change the world, just trust in me.
'Cause I am your creator, I am working out my plan,
And through you I will show them, I Am.
“I AM”
Ginny Owens
But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you; When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.” Exodus 3:11-12
In her song “I AM” Ginny Owens refers to Moses, David and the Virgin Mary. She gives their side of the story so to speak and to each God replies with the words above. When I read those accounts and others like them, Noah, Peter, Paul and so many others, I have the perspective of thousands of years later. Now these are Bible greats but they were just ordinary people when God called them.
We used to sing an old hymn. “I Sing a Song of the Saints of God” at Baptisms. The hymn recounts all kinds of people from shepherds to kings to ladies at tea and notes that all of them are saints of God at the same time they are just folk.
It doesn’t take extraordinary talent to be used by God. It doesn’t necessarily take leaving your home and loved ones or making huge changes to your life. It doesn’t take a degree or several letters after your name. It takes one little thing. God has to call you.
Moses, David, Mary and all the others we read about in the Bible were called from an ordinary existence, a day to day, mundane life. They were called and once they were everything changed. They didn’t change it. God did but they were willing to be his tools. Well, maybe willing is a bit strong. Each of them did the look behind, double take, are you sure you mean me, thing before saying yes.
The heroes of the Bible when called were at first reluctant and unsure. God doesn’t expect us to step right up with an attitude of entitlement. He calls ordinary people in ordinary circumstances to do extraordinary things so that his power will be evident. It’s okay to hesitate when he calls. It’s okay to question because he’ll tell us the same thing he told the spiritual giants we admire, “you don’t have to change the world, just trust in me.”
We can hesitate, we can question, we can even hide as long as in the end we say yes, Lord. We have to say, “yes, Lord. I’ll go where you send me.” It’s okay. He’ll do the work in us so that we can do the work in the world.
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