Brass Ring

They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. Having lost all sensitivity they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge every in kind of impurity with a continual lust for more. Galatians 4:18-19

Do you ever feel dissatisfied? Do you know people who constantly feel dissatisfied? The answer is right here in these verses. When we are separate from God nothing is ever enough. Anything we put in God’s place will have to be pursued constantly. Whether it’s cigarettes, food, money, the approval of others or anything else it doesn’t matter. The result will be the same.

The fact that Paul is talking to the Galatians about “a continual lust for more” tells us this is not new to our generation. It may be more pronounced but that is only because there are more things to want.

It goes back farther than the Galatians to the Israelites in Exodus. The manna provided by God was not enough. They complained and wanted something more, something different.

Whether it is ancient Israel, Galatia or 2011 America, God wants to come first with us. We call ourselves by his name. We claim to know and love him but we continually put other things first. We lust for more.

No thing will ever be enough. We could own everything ever made, multiple times and it wouldn’t be enough. Only when the thing we desire more than any other is God, does life make sense.

Most of us have heard about the brass ring. It is so elusive and yet people grab at it every time. Jesus is the true prize and when we grab for him we always win.

The Galatians hearts were hardened because they were listening to the siren song of the world. They wanted worldly things more than eternal things. They lost sensitivity and began to live in sin because God was not a priority.

Make God your #1 priority today. Stay near Him and He will satisfy you and keep your heart soft.


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