God said to Moses, “I Am WHO I AM.” This is what you are to say to the Israelites, “I AM has sent me to you.” Exodus 3:14

I am a middle-aged woman. I am a mother. I am a grandmother. Throughout the day I may say, “I am tired” or “I am happy” or any number of things. I have never just said, or heard anyone else say simply, “I am.” I certainly haven’t heard it spoken in such a way that it needs to be written in all capital letters. When I hear the words “I am” I expect something to come after that. Otherwise I’m asking, “You are what?”

So let’s ask that of God. Here He is quoted as saying to Moses “I AM” and telling Moses to basically use that as His name. “Tell them I AM has sent you.” Put yourself in the shoes of the hearer of that message. “I AM sent me.” “Who?” “I AM.” Keep going in your head. It takes on the likes of a famous comedy routine doesn’t it? But when the speaker is God it is no laughing matter.

The words that come after I AM are anything and everything we want and need. He is our life! The words creator, healer, lover, comfort, judge, friend, seat of mercy, provider, and guide could all go after the I AM and that is just a tiny sampling.

God is everything we can imagine and much more. We look for self-esteem, self-worth and satisfaction in all the wrong places. We seek those things in a job, degree, bank balance, spouse etc. and we never find them. We find our worth and satisfaction in the same place where we find our hope, in the great I AM. All that we need or want in life, HE IS, and there is nothing we can desire that is greater than the love and presence of God.

On the other side of the equation there are words that are not factors in the I AM. Cruel, forgetful, merciless, vindictive, to name a few, are character qualities that God does not possess. Any adjective that comes after I AM is sure to be life affirming. In John 10:10 Jesus tells us that he came so that we may have full lives.

I am a mess. I am cruel sometimes. I am forgetful, short-tempered, ornery, phony, judgmental and selfish. Depending on the day and time, I can be described with less than flattering words. I promise you I am not always who people need me to be. I am human.

The great I AM is everything we think we need and so much more. Two words on which we can place all our hope, faith and trust, I AM.


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