Father Know Best

Yet, O Lord you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8

Sunday is Father’s Day. My grandson has a gift for his daddy hidden in a closet in my house. In another closet I have a gift for his grandfather. Father’s are very important. We all know the expression, “Just wait until your father gets home.” Sometimes it is spoken in jest, sometimes as an actual threat.

One time when our boys were teenagers, I caught them fake fighting when they should have been cleaning their room. As I began to deliver my lecture I had about half of their attention. Suddenly all eyes were on me and there was a lot of “yes, m’am” going on. I began to feel quite effective until I realized that my husband, their father, was standing right behind me. Father’s are very influential.

My husband is a great father. He has a great work ethic but he knows how to have fun. He treats me with respect and is good at doing a kindness when it isn’t necessarily deserved or even appreciated. He is a great role model for our sons of what a husband and father should be.

Some of us did not grow up with a great role model. It makes it tough for us to envision putting ourselves into the hands of a father to be molded. Too many people, men and women alike have gone out of their way to not be anything like their earthly fathers.

My husband is a good father. My sons are good fathers. None of them are perfect. Only one father is perfect and that is our Father in heaven. In His hands we can be molded and fashioned into something much more wonderful and sometimes very different from who or what we think we are. If we are willing to be pliant in God’s perfectly capable hands we will become exactly what we were created to be.

When I was a child there was a TV show with the title, Father Knows Best. In one of my favorite movies, It’s a Wonderful Life, the main character, George Bailey finds himself in an untenable situation. He spots a sign that says, “Ask Dad” and knows exactly what he should do. On TV as in real life, father does not always know best. The very best ones try but being human they fall short. The worst ones can cause great damage that reaches through generation after generation.

There is one Father who truly does know best. He will never leave us or let us down. He is perfect and we are called to be just like him. (Matthew 5:48) If your earthly father is or was a great man, follow his example. If not, learn from his mistakes. In either case become clay in the hands of the Father who waits to mold each one of us into something beautiful.


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