A Simple Request

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ ’’ Matthew 25:40

I was just this minute asked to do something I’m not at all sure I want to do. The task isn’t hard. In fact it is quite simple and something that I enjoy doing. The problem is that is in the nature of a gift and the recipient, or more to the point, the recipient’s circumstances are a problem for me. I don’t the recipient terribly well. Whenever we’ve had contact she has been friendly but certainly don’t count her among my friends or confidantes. It isn’t her as a person but her belief system and lifestyle that bother me. Even while my mind was saying no, my heart was carefully considering the request. I listened for the voice of my Father and He answered, swiftly and clearly. “Do this for me. Show her my face.” Well then, consider it done. This morning, in just a few minutes actually, I will do what I was asked to do and I will do it with a happy heart. There is no grudging, dragging of feet. There is no “But, but, gee Dad, do you know her?” Of course He does and apparently He wants her to know Him, especially in her moment of need and darkness.

We are all called to be light to the world. Sometimes that is the harsh light that comes suddenly, disturbing the darkness and possibly exposing evil. Sometimes we are called to be a gentle, peaceful light, that comforts and invites. Then we can encourage our neighbors to move toward the true Light that comes from heaven. We can quietly coax a person toward healing and fulfillment.

Today I have a choice. I can be the harsh light that exposes the error of this woman’s ways. (As I see them of course.) Or I can be the kind of light that says, I don’t care where you’ve been, what you’ve chosen or how you’re living right now. I can only that you are hurting and that I can offer you a way to comfort and strength.

Jesus didn’t stop and weigh anyone’s choices or measure their sin before ministering to them. He knelt beside the broken, put his hands on the dirty and healed even the most blatant sinners. He showed compassion and that is what I am being asked, no told, to do.

It doesn’t matter who or what this woman is. All that matters is that my Father asked me to do this thing for Him and for Him I will do it. As I said, not grudgingly, not with great fanfare or condescension but with humility and gratitude for what He has done in my life. I know what He can do for this woman because He has done it for me. Now all my reluctance, all my judgements are gone. All that is left is the desire to do God’s will and hope that it touches her heart.


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