Love for All
How priceless is your unfailing love!
Both high and low among men
Find refuge in the shadow of your wings.
Psalm 36:7
Think of the person in your world who loves you more than any other. Think about that relationship. Right now I would say my husband loves me more than anyone else does and more than he loves anyone else. However, when I think in terms of God’s love and how He loves us I am more reminded of my Gram. The other day listening to a message on the sacrificial love Jesus displayed on the Cross the pastor spoke about Jesus’ love for each of us and I was again reminded of Gram.
We often hear about how God loves each of us as if there were only one of us. We hear that Jesus died for all of us but that he would have done the same thing for just one of us. My Gram had seventeen grandchildren of which I am number twelve. The entire time she was alive I was convinced, and I remain convinced that I was special to her. Of all her grandchildren, there was something about me she just found special. I’m pretty sure my sister Kathy, number one, would say the same thing. As would my cousin Jacqueline, number seventeen. Knowing that does not make me feel any less special to Gram. For years it did make me wonder. How can you love each one of seventeen children, ranging over 26 years of age difference, as if there were only one of them? I decided it was some special quality that God had given Gram. She was an amazing woman and very close to God so it wouldn’t be a shock if He had given her a unique ability to mimic His love for us.
Today my Gram has been gone from me for too many years. I miss her as if it were yesterday but today I am the Gram or Grammy, in the picture. I have seven grandchildren, Joey, Faith, Lily, Isabelle, Samuel, Madelyn and Grace. Those two boys are my favorites. Oh wait, it might be Faith. No, I think it’s Grace or is it Isabelle? No, it’s Madelyn, definitely Madelyn, at least until Faith wakes up or Joey calls or Sammy knocks on my door or…. I’m sure you’re following the logic. Each one is my favorite for a different reason. Just as each one of my four children is my very favorite for a different reason. The difference with me and probably with Gram too, is that the favorite, the real favorite kid is subject to change at any given moment. God never changes. I am His favorite right now and I was ten minutes ago and I will be in ten more minutes. Oh and by the way, so are you! And you were and you will be. Our Father loves each one of us as if there were only one of us.
I do have times when I think an activity or circumstance is better suited to one child or grandchild than another. In fact just the other day my friend and I were at an adorable restaurant having lunch and I said I would like to bring my daughter-in-love, Stephanie, there one day. My friend laughed and said, “Not Laura?” She was wondering why my thoughts went to my son’s wife before my own daughter. It’s simple. Laura wouldn’t like that place and Stephanie would. I think God does that too. We make ourselves available to Him in different ways. His relationship with me is different than His relationship with you but His love for each of us is equal. We are His darlings.
It is hard for me to imagine someone loving me more unconditionally or simply more than Gram did but I cannot wait to experience it firsthand. For now, even in my shortsightedness, I am happy to live in the light of my Father’s love and do whatever I can to reflect it.
Both high and low among men
Find refuge in the shadow of your wings.
Psalm 36:7
Think of the person in your world who loves you more than any other. Think about that relationship. Right now I would say my husband loves me more than anyone else does and more than he loves anyone else. However, when I think in terms of God’s love and how He loves us I am more reminded of my Gram. The other day listening to a message on the sacrificial love Jesus displayed on the Cross the pastor spoke about Jesus’ love for each of us and I was again reminded of Gram.
We often hear about how God loves each of us as if there were only one of us. We hear that Jesus died for all of us but that he would have done the same thing for just one of us. My Gram had seventeen grandchildren of which I am number twelve. The entire time she was alive I was convinced, and I remain convinced that I was special to her. Of all her grandchildren, there was something about me she just found special. I’m pretty sure my sister Kathy, number one, would say the same thing. As would my cousin Jacqueline, number seventeen. Knowing that does not make me feel any less special to Gram. For years it did make me wonder. How can you love each one of seventeen children, ranging over 26 years of age difference, as if there were only one of them? I decided it was some special quality that God had given Gram. She was an amazing woman and very close to God so it wouldn’t be a shock if He had given her a unique ability to mimic His love for us.
Today my Gram has been gone from me for too many years. I miss her as if it were yesterday but today I am the Gram or Grammy, in the picture. I have seven grandchildren, Joey, Faith, Lily, Isabelle, Samuel, Madelyn and Grace. Those two boys are my favorites. Oh wait, it might be Faith. No, I think it’s Grace or is it Isabelle? No, it’s Madelyn, definitely Madelyn, at least until Faith wakes up or Joey calls or Sammy knocks on my door or…. I’m sure you’re following the logic. Each one is my favorite for a different reason. Just as each one of my four children is my very favorite for a different reason. The difference with me and probably with Gram too, is that the favorite, the real favorite kid is subject to change at any given moment. God never changes. I am His favorite right now and I was ten minutes ago and I will be in ten more minutes. Oh and by the way, so are you! And you were and you will be. Our Father loves each one of us as if there were only one of us.
I do have times when I think an activity or circumstance is better suited to one child or grandchild than another. In fact just the other day my friend and I were at an adorable restaurant having lunch and I said I would like to bring my daughter-in-love, Stephanie, there one day. My friend laughed and said, “Not Laura?” She was wondering why my thoughts went to my son’s wife before my own daughter. It’s simple. Laura wouldn’t like that place and Stephanie would. I think God does that too. We make ourselves available to Him in different ways. His relationship with me is different than His relationship with you but His love for each of us is equal. We are His darlings.
It is hard for me to imagine someone loving me more unconditionally or simply more than Gram did but I cannot wait to experience it firsthand. For now, even in my shortsightedness, I am happy to live in the light of my Father’s love and do whatever I can to reflect it.
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