Reading is Fundamental
Finally brothers what is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
They say reading is fundamental and I believe it. Reading is pretty much like breathing to me. I read everything. Certainly there are things I prefer to read but honestly whatever written word is in front of me is going to be read. Have you seen those personalized license plates? They are supposed to be making the driver’s statement I guess. Some are easy to understand but others are indiscernible. I get 2QT4U but what does I2O7GP mean? You might suggest that I just stop reading them but I’m telling you, I cannot. It’s an automatic reaction. I see letters and I read. I’m not joking, it doesn’t end with license plates. I read everything, hats, t-shirts, bumper stickers, if it has print I’ll read it. That, has become a rather disconcerting and unfortunate obsession, given our current, do and say whatever I want, climate.
This really hit me hard the other day when I was driving down the road behind a small truck with, not one but two, unsavory adages applied to the back of the vehicle. The words were so disgusting I will not print them here but suffice to say they planted a mental image I would like to have burned from my memory. Thanks be to God I will forget them eventually but at odd points during that day the thought would occur and I would shudder. It is my contention that the general public should not have to contend with anyone’s private fetish or depravity. With all due respect to the first amendment, give me a break already!
It’s bad enough when a so-called adult puts those statements on a car, hat or t-shirt but when I see children wearing rude, suggestive or disrespectful sentiments on their clothing I get really upset. Perhaps I shouldn’t judge but the Scripture says that salt water and fresh water cannot be in the same stream. (James 3:9-12)
Our Lord in His infinite love gave us eyes to see and minds to read, think and comprehend. I do not believe that He intends for us to read or think about someone else’s moral depravity or even just bad taste.
Of course I can’t do a thing about it. We live in a time where very little is private and even less is sacred. Unfortunately for me I continue to be a readaholic and maybe you are too. I just wish people would keep some of their sick thoughts to themselves
They say reading is fundamental and I believe it. Reading is pretty much like breathing to me. I read everything. Certainly there are things I prefer to read but honestly whatever written word is in front of me is going to be read. Have you seen those personalized license plates? They are supposed to be making the driver’s statement I guess. Some are easy to understand but others are indiscernible. I get 2QT4U but what does I2O7GP mean? You might suggest that I just stop reading them but I’m telling you, I cannot. It’s an automatic reaction. I see letters and I read. I’m not joking, it doesn’t end with license plates. I read everything, hats, t-shirts, bumper stickers, if it has print I’ll read it. That, has become a rather disconcerting and unfortunate obsession, given our current, do and say whatever I want, climate.
This really hit me hard the other day when I was driving down the road behind a small truck with, not one but two, unsavory adages applied to the back of the vehicle. The words were so disgusting I will not print them here but suffice to say they planted a mental image I would like to have burned from my memory. Thanks be to God I will forget them eventually but at odd points during that day the thought would occur and I would shudder. It is my contention that the general public should not have to contend with anyone’s private fetish or depravity. With all due respect to the first amendment, give me a break already!
It’s bad enough when a so-called adult puts those statements on a car, hat or t-shirt but when I see children wearing rude, suggestive or disrespectful sentiments on their clothing I get really upset. Perhaps I shouldn’t judge but the Scripture says that salt water and fresh water cannot be in the same stream. (James 3:9-12)
Our Lord in His infinite love gave us eyes to see and minds to read, think and comprehend. I do not believe that He intends for us to read or think about someone else’s moral depravity or even just bad taste.
Of course I can’t do a thing about it. We live in a time where very little is private and even less is sacred. Unfortunately for me I continue to be a readaholic and maybe you are too. I just wish people would keep some of their sick thoughts to themselves
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