Mary's Joy

“Blessed are you among women and blessed
is the child you will bear. Luke 1:42b

At this time of year, as we sing and read about the birth of Jesus, we also hear more about Mary. I was raised in a Roman Catholic home, so I heard a lot about Mary year round. For most people though, Mary comes into her own during Advent, those weeks leading up to Christmas, when we also focus on baby Jesus much more than the Jesus of the Cross. Like many people I have given a lot of thought to how Mary might have felt, pregnant, unmarried and very young. The words overwhelmed, terrified and humiliated come most quickly to mind and I’m sure they are fairly accurate. Still, there could very well be another side to the story. Regardless of the questionable circumstances, Mary was pregnant with the Son of God. So excitement is a word you might add to the list. Again, regardless of the circumstances Mary was pregnant. If you’ve never been pregnant that may not mean anything to you but having been pregnant and given birth I know how amazing that process can be.

One day you’re going along, all by yourself, working, cooking, shopping, chatting with friends and then suddenly you are not alone. A bit later and that other being makes his or her presence felt. A little kick here, a little jab there and that tiny human being becomes very real. It’s a humbling and wonderful feeling to be even a teeny, tiny part of the creative process. I certainly hope that Mary felt that exhilaration.

Today we know the whole story. We know that she was carrying the Savior. We know that in order to be our savior, Jesus would suffer a ridiculous amount of humiliation and pain. We also know that after suffering he would rise from the grave in the biggest victory ever experienced in our world. The man Jesus would throw off the grave cloth, roll back the enormous, cumbersome stone and walk free from the grave, freed from the limits and cares of this world. Mary didn’t know any of that. Thankfully she didn’t know about the suffering, although, Simeon tried to tell her. (Luke 2:25-35) She didn’t know about the great victory and she wouldn’t even as she stood and watched her precious boy dying. All she knows in those first days and months is that she is pregnant and that this baby is as special as they come.
I have four children, Paul, Joseph, Jeffrey and Laura. They have given me several grandchildren and will be giving me more. Each one of my babies was special to me, even while in the womb. Each one of my grandchildren is special in our family. They precious and dearly loved but each one was conceived in the usual way, no angel intervention. Add that aspect and special becomes SPECIAL, bold letter, flashing neon lights, you definitely want to check this out, special.

Was Mary terrified? I bet she was. Was she humiliated? She was an unmarried pregnant teenage girl in a day when women had little to no value and could be stoned for much less. So, yes, I bet she was humiliated but I also like to think that she was thrilled, excited and amazed. The birth of Christ is an amazing event and she had the front row seat. That is pretty exciting.


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