Encountering God Unexpectedly

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 The other day I heard the old song, “American Pie” by Don McLean. Toward the end of the song, he references, “the three men I admire most.” He goes on to identify them, “the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost.” If you look up the lyrics, those names are appropriately capitalized so, I suppose the writer has at least a passing respect for those precious names. I don’t pretend to know anything about his faith but I know his lyrics shine a spotlight on my own faith. I love running into words about God where you don’t readily expect them. There’s another old song called “Get Together” which contains the lyric “when the One that left us here, returns for us at last”, referring to Jesus’ return. I write fiction. Some of my characters are very strong in their faith and because of that, my readers come across Scripture and conversations about God. I know that my motives are pure. I want to point people in the direction of the marvelous Light, the One True God. I cannot speak for any other author or songwriter but I can say this, it doesn’t matter. The motivation of the writer isn’t what is important. What matters is what happens to us when we hear God’s name or words about Him. I mentioned songs that seem to present God in a very positive light. There are plenty that misuse His name, His attributes and His Word. While I am certainly disgusted when God is not honored, I still can be thankful for the fact that He has been brought to my mind. I cannot answer for another person’s motives but I can stop and praise God every time I encounter His name or something about Him. Look and listen to the world around you. There are so many people, too many people who ignore God with their lifestyles and behaviors but even they know His name. It amazes me that anyone can question God’s existence when His influence is so far reaching. Enjoy the moments when God surprises you with His presence. Then try to live in a way that brings Him more and more into the world.


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