Come to Jesus
to me all you who are weary and burdened
and I
will give you rest.
For it
is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves,
it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
moments ago I read a message about the things God could have asked of us in
order to secure our salvation. It made
me laugh because of course, the point was that grace is a gift. Grace is not
something to be earned, thankfully, because none of us is capable of earning
it. It also made me laugh because of
some experiences my husband and I have had at different churches.
In our search for a church home we
visited a few places. One stands out as we attended there for several months.
We were considering becoming members even though we weren’t quite sure it was
the place for us. Very quickly we would
find out that it was not, nope, not at all. We met with the pastor and he
outlined the things we would need to do to “qualify” for membership. There were several items on the list one of
which was to be “rebaptized.” Excuse me? Apparently the baptism that my husband
and I received wasn’t “good enough.” Given the many ways I’ve seen the Lord
work in my husband, in me and in us as a couple, I know that I am his child. God
has already accepted me, adopted me. I’m good enough for God but not for this
particular church.
Reading that message this morning I
was reminded of that and of conversations with other believers who have left
churches for similar reasons. Those churches have standards and some of us just
don’t meet them.
God, who could, as the message I read
made very clear, ask anything of us before allowing us into his family, asks
only one thing. He asks us to receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He asks us
to accept a gift! There are no hoops, no strings, no dotted lines on which to
sign. There is simply grace.
Our pastor is fond of saying, “All
means all, y’all.” (Yes, we live in the South.) He says it over and over
because we need to hear it over and over. Yes, Jesus loves me and that person
over there who makes me crazy. All means all and all are invited in by
GRACE. Father, Son and Holy Spirit
require less of us than most churches. As
a pastor I once knew used to say, “Now that’s good news!”
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