Leaving A Legacy


One generation will commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4 

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children. Proverbs 13:22

A legacy can be many things I guess. When I looked up the actual definition it said, “a gift or bequest.”  I’ve heard people refer to their legacy in terms of how they want to be remembered.  Never have I given much, if any thought about my legacy, until the other day that is.

          A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of visiting my son’s church on a week when he was leading the worship portion of the service. My son, Jeffrey, is a very talented musician in many areas. He’s good at entertaining people but when he steps up to lead worship it takes his talent to an entirely different level. To say that he is anointed is not an exaggeration.

          So there I was at that service singing along with my boy (keep in mind he’s a foot taller than I and in his mid-thirties, my “boy”) when I realized, “Wow! I had a part in bringing this blessing to this very church.” It was definitely a proud mama, that’s my kid, moment. It wasn’t until just a couple of days ago that I connected that to my “legacy.”

          I was driving along listening to an old Third Day song that includes the lyric, “My light shines on.” The lyric repeats several times. As I was singing along I was reminded of watching Jeffrey sing, of seeing his gift. I did not give him that talent or further, the ability to use it so well for God’s glory but I did give birth to him.

          Jeffrey is my legacy, as are his brothers, Paul and Joseph and his sister Laura. They all have children of their own and it is my fervent hope that the seeds of grace that I planted in my children will continue in their children.

          Second Timothy 1:5 says,  I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. Next to it in my Bible I have written, “I hope one day that it can be said of my grandchildren, 'your sincere faith that fist lived in your grandmother Tricia and in your mother Laura/Erin/Stephanie.'  I want my children and my children by marriage to have great faith and to pass it to their children.

          Some people leave fortunes, buildings, great works of art, music or literature. Maybe one of my children or grandchildren will leave something like that. Maybe one of them will cure a deadly disease or make some other huge discovery or invent something life changing. I will not be doing any of those things. I only hope that the faith I see in my loved ones now grows and grows and all of our lights shine on to reflect God’s glory.         


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