Run, Dodge, Jump
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:14
We are called to walk on the narrow path to life in Christ. The path is identified as narrow but not as smooth. I am often bothered by pastors or Christians in general, who suggest that once we’ve chosen to take the journey with Jesus all will be well. Not true! All will be protected (Psalm 91), all will work for our good (Romans 8:28) but all will not be well.
The path we walk with Jesus is full of
potholes and obstacles, just like my kiddos red carpet. Jesus said so himself, "I have told you these things, so that
in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.” John 16:33a The
good news is that just as the video for the red carpet gives the viewer
directions, Jesus gives us direction.
If you feel like you are on the path
full of potholes and obstacles, go to the Scripture for guidance. Pray to the
Holy Spirit. Jesus was kind of enough to warn us that the path isn’t smooth or
necessarily straight. He was also more than kind, more than merciful, very
gracious, to leave his Spirit here with us to help us know when to run, to duck
or to dodge.
Stay on the path, no matter how difficult it becomes but don’t try to do it without help.
I think as Christians our roads may tend to be bumpier than non-Christians because of satan’s attack on us. We don’t always notice it as much as non-Christians might if our focus is on the Lord.