Shaking Grace
and peace be yours in abundance
through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. 2 Peter 1:2 (emphasis mine)
ago my friend Matthew had a beautiful golden retriever named Kelly. Kelly was
the sweetest dog in the world. Normally, she was very well behaved, walked
beside us without a leash, stayed where you told her to stay and stopped
barking when you asked her to stop. In one area, Kelly was a naughty girl.
Kelly loved to shake water all over. Whether she was wet from the lake, from
rain or from a bath, no matter how many times Matthew would say, “Kelly, no!
Don’t shake!” Kelly would shake, blessing all of us with the spray from her
latest adventure.
I thought of Kelly this morning while
I was talking to the Lord about grace. Too often many of us, people who claim
Jesus as Lord and Savior, think that we shouldn’t ask too much of Him. How much
more could we ask? He gave His life for us. That indicates that He is truly
willing to give anything and everything we need and some things that we want. I
say some things we want because in His wisdom, He knows that we often want
things that aren’t good for us. Through the years, I’ve learned that Jesus
wants us to ask for any and all things, in His name. Ask and you will receive,
He said. So as I asked for grace, lots
of grace, so much grace that I would be drenched in it, I thought of Kelly.
It was as if a movie of her beautiful
golden body was playing in mind with sound and everything. I could almost hear
Matthew’s horrified, “Kelly! Don’t shake!” and feel the sensation of flying
water hitting my body and face. Oh Kelly! Kelly! That’s it! That is exactly the
amount of grace I want, so much grace that when I move, everyone around me is
covered in the grace that Abba in His loving mercy provided for me.
If I see myself as unworthy to receive
grace, then I am negating the sacrifice Jesus made for me. If I believe that my
allotment of grace is fairly small and based on my behavior, well, that’s just
way off the path. Our heavenly Father sent His one and only precious Son that
we might have abundant life (John 10:10) and live always under His grace. There
is grace available for me, for you, for anyone who would recognize and accept
Jesus as Lord and be open to receiving that grace. When you receive it, shake.
Shake it all over the people around you. We’re willing to spread news, germs
and opinions. How much better would things be if we were all shaking and
spreading grace?
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