
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;
he will never let the righteous fall.
Psalm 55:22

Do you make New Year's resolutions? I do not and that is not a condemnation of those who do. It's just a different perspective. Having said that, it's not that I don't make resolutions. It's that I don't make them on New Year's day with an eye toward changing my life over the next year.

No, my style of resolutions is more of a daily thing. I resolve every day to live that day in God's will. Some days that goes very well and other days..... well, let's just say, not so much.

The dictionary says that resolve means, “to settle or find a solution to a problem” and “decide firmly on a course of action.” I think that second part of the definition is what people think of for New Year's resolutions, to “decide on a course of action.” My problem with that is that if the decision is mine and mine alone, I will find a thousand loopholes, a million reasons why that decision needs to be modified.

A new year, a new month, week, day or even hour, is a great time to say, “starting right now, I'm going to _________.” The problem is I can't ________ without help. Again, because I am bound to make excuses and start over the next hour, day, week, month, year for reasons that make sense only in the tiny kingdom of my mind. My resolutions will fail because I have no power to sustain them.

It is a new year. Hard to believe but it is 2017! This year is the year that I become officially a very old person. It is the year my oldest grandson will become a~gasp~teenager. It's crazy and before I can truly process this it will be yet another new year, unless our Lord comes back for us. So what shall I do with this since I'm not going to make any resolutions?

I'll do what I do whenever I take the time to listen to my Father. I will cast my cares on Him and He will guide my steps. He does have the power to sustain me and I am grateful to lean on that power.


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