Yellow Brick Road
all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:6
word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
great would that be? Can you imagine? You take your question,
decision, confusion to God and turn it over to Him. There in front of
you, path illumined! If only the Holy Spirit would take us by the
shoulders, turn us toward our goal and say, “follow the yellow
brick road” or shiny white way or whatever color the Holy Spirit
likes to use.
the day my mind wandered back to that thought. What if? It isn't like
it would be all smooth steps from there. We would still encounter
trials and potholes. Think about Dorothy's journey. Can you hear it?
“Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!”
not all of it either. There was evil, in the form of a wicked witch,
and once again, Dorothy has it easier than we do. Evil doesn't show
up at my door wearing a pointy hat and carrying a broom. It often
looks a lot like fun or even opportunity. Our enemies are not as
blatant as Dorothy's were. Ours are sneaky. They masquerade as
righteous indignation, worry, or things that are “not that bad.”
Sometimes our enemy dresses up to look more like invitation than
Dorothy had her yellow brick road and her obvious nemeses, while we
walk by faith and try hard to recognize the enemy. We have to walk
by faith. God's Word is most certainly a light to our paths but we
have to stay in that light, in the Word. Even so, we often
misinterpret it. We walk our various color, brick, sand and pothole
filled roads. We do what we can to avoid evil and we pray. And right
there is the biggest and best difference.
the end, at the end of the yellow brick road Dorothy encountered a
fake savior. In the end when we get to our curtain, we don't have to
wonder what's behind it. It's torn. It was torn by the One who came
to save us. We may have a more treacherous journey. We may not know
exactly what road to walk or how to walk it but we do know one thing.
When we get to the end, we're already home. No need for ruby slippers
and incantations. All we need is the saving grace of Jesus Christ and
the best news is, we already have it.
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