Judgment or Grace

God I thank you that I am not like other men.”

God have mercy on me, a sinner.”

I tell you, that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Luke 18:11b, 13b, 14

My daughter Laura is an amazing and interesting person. She's very into, hm, let me use the word trends. It isn't that she follows them so much, as that she likes to be aware of them. She knows a little bit about a lot of things and she has some very strong opinions. Recently, I'm seeing that she also knows a lot about a few very important things. I'm pretty sure she isn't aware of that. She has this capacity to love and forgive that just doesn't leap out when you have a casual conversation with her. In those conversations you might perceive her as judgy, given those strong opinions but on closer inspection you can see that she is the first one to offer a second chance, a hand up, an opportunity to save face.

This morning as I read the parable in Luke 18:9-14 of the Pharisee and the tax collector I thought of Laura. She isn't the tax collector, yet, but she's getting there. More importantly, her view of others is much more in line with the tax collector. She's hard on herself. Sometimes she lets pride get in her way but she knows that which is a major first step.

In thinking about Laura this morning I was blessed to see where her openness, her willingness to see the good in people, to see the changes they make as they grow closer to God is drawing her closer to God as well. My daughter has great compassion.

I love the parable from Luke. I pray to have the attitude of the tax collector and pray his prayer often. “Lord, have mercy on me a sinner.” Unlike my daughter, I tend to ignore the world. I don't know most of the current popular names in the news. I can't judge them because I have no awareness of them. Sadly, that leaves me with plenty of robe and gavel time for those much closer to me.

One day I would like to leave the robe permanently in the closet and set the gavel down for good, to judge only my own behavior. Today I wonder if my daughter will get there first. She's judging the people of the news, people she will never meet. While she may still feel a bit of comfort in the Pharisee's stance, she's offering a tissue to the weeping tax collector.

All of us have our moments of judgment but if we can rise above them, give mercy and grace where we want to give judgment and punishment, we would go a long way to promoting the kingdom of our Father.


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