Finding My Way


Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

The other night while playing a game my husband Otto was asked a question. I knew he didn’t know the answer because it was about artificial sweeteners. When we are out in a restaurant he always asks me which one is which. If he missed the question it would be my turn. I sat confident that I would answer the question…until he did. What? He knew it? Sure he did, because recently he’s done a lot of traveling with the accompanying meals in restaurants. Without me there he has to look at the sweeteners and pick the right one.

When we travel together I rely on Otto to find our way around the hotel or resort. If he’s with me I pay little attention as to how to get to our room, the lobby, shops, etc. When I travel with anyone else I pay attention. I find my own way.

Thinking about that I thought how precious it is that we rely on each other. Otto obviously doesn’t need me to walk him through sweetener land. I don’t really need him to get from a hotel lobby to a hotel room but it’s the way we do things when we’re together. We’re happy to follow each others lead, to bow to the person who seems more knowledgeable in whatever area.

As I thought about it, especially the whole directions part I wondered why I’m so confident to follow Otto, who by the way has led me in the wrong direction more than once, but not as quick to follow my Father, who is never wrong?

I believe the answer is relationship. Otto has been wrong yes, but unintentionally. He’s never deliberately led me astray. He loves me and I trust that he has my best interest at heart. Don’t I believe that about God as well?

Yes, I do but…. Here’s the thing. If I don’t like Otto’s answer or leading I can “discuss” it with him. I can show him why my way is better and because we are both fallible human beings there are times when we are wrong. God is not fallible. When He leads it’s always the right direction. It’s always right but it isn’t always the way I want to go. Not wanting to argue with God I may not protest but I also may not move.

Faith is all about relationship. It is about knowing that God wants what’s best for us and He knows what that is to a level that we cannot begin to understand. When all is said and done, the place I want to be is home in heaven. Our Father gave us the Way to get there, all we have to do is follow.


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