Because I Said So

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God

and the Word was God. John 1:1

Are you a parent? Teacher? Boss? Have you for any reason ever used the expression, “because I said so”? It's a cop out line sometimes. I'm out of good reasons, patience, time or whatever else so I go with “because I said so!” – usually in a fairly loud voice. Spoken that way “because I said so” doesn't sound very inviting.

Let's turn it over. My child comes to me frightened or worried and I promise that things will work out. Unfortunately I can't tell her why in that moment, so I say, “I promise you.” And when she questions me, I add, “because I said so.” There's nothing to worry about because I said so. If my child can trust me, she can trust my word. Used this way, it's an assurance not a way out.

Now, let's look at what happened when God “said so,”

  • there was light Genesis 1:3
  • there was sky Genesis 1:6
  • there was land Genesis 1:10
  • there was man Genesis 1:26
  • a child was healed John 4:50
  • a man rose from the dead Matthew 28:1-10

And that is just a partial list, very partial. The world, the sky, the waters, animals, vegetation, people, healing and resurrection happened. Why? Because God said so.

Words are incredibly powerful. I use them in much to cavalier a fashion. Maybe you do too. I'm working on that right now but it's an ongoing battle for me and I'm counting on God's help to win. Even at my worst, I've always believed that a promise is a promise and have done my very best to keep my promises. My children grew very tired of the words, “we'll see” when they were young. They wanted that promise but I didn't give them unless I was pretty sure I could keep them. After all you're only as good as your word.

So we're back to because I said so. “You're going to school, because I said so.” “No we are not playing outside in the rain, because I said so.” “As long as I have a home you'll have a home, because I said so.”

Which brings us back to God's because I said so. We're never alone. We don't have to worry. We will never be orphaned. We do not have to be afraid. We will be victorious. We have a home waiting for us that is beyond anything we could ask or imagine. Why? Because He said so.


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