said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the
Israelites. I AM has sent me to you.” Exodus 3:14
is a worship song that I just love. I can’t say it’s my favorite
because before I could finish typing that ten others would cross my
mind as “favorite.” In any case the name of the song is “Great
I Am.” The lyrics say just what you would expect from the title
that God is indeed the great I AM, holy, powerful, unique, awesome,
in the truest sense of the word. I love that song! The bridge
includes the truth that the enemy runs from God, that even the
mountains tremble in His presence. All true.
to the song just a few minutes ago, hearing the words repeated “the
great I AM” something occurred to me. I Am, what? As Christians we
don’t ask that question because we know or think we do, what that
means. It’s the name of God Yahweh, the great I AM. But indulge me
for a moment and think about it. God is the great I AM. If anyone
else said to any of us, “Hello, I am.” There would be a pause as
we waited for the rest of the sentence. “You are? Hungry? Lost?
Happy?” We might try to fill in the blank from body language of
facial expression. Certainly we would expect if not an actual name,
at least some elaboration. “Hello, I am your new boss, worst
nightmare, here to help, etc, etc.” Something has to come after
the I am. Not with God.
is everything. There was nothing before Him and will be nothing after
Him. He can say “Hello I AM” because He is!
song I referred to is huge. I love music and musically speaking it’s
a wonderful song. It builds nicely. The lyrics are so good and true
with music that matches the mood of the words perfectly and there is
so much more. I can’t imagine a person who can hear that song and
not be moved. Not just because it is so well written or, as has been
my experience in many venues, so well performed. It is because of the
simple and yet enormously beyond our total comprehension truth. God
is the Great I AM. As the song says, there is none beside Him.
about God for a minute using nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives. It’s
awe inspiring isn’t it? That is why the song is so effective
because it beautifully states the truth that makes this life livable
and the next one so inviting. We are reminded that there is nothing
we could desire that God can’t give, do or be. The great I AM.
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