

So God created man in his own image;

in the image of God he created him;

male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27


Yesterday it was back to work for me after a lovely break. During that break I was blessed to spend time with my son Paul and my grandson Abram. Whenever I was asked about my break I found myself telling stories about Abram, including his love of the word amazing. To Abram, not quite two years old, many, many things are amazing. It’s so precious to hear him say it. As I shared stories about my precious angel boy many people commented about his vocabulary for a child so young. They were surprised. I was not, am not. I expected Abram to be a talker. Why? His father was a talker. In fact, compared to Paul at the same age, Abram doesn’t talk that much.

          Let me say it again, I expected him to be like his father.

          When we claim to be Christian and claim God as our Father, people have certain expectations of us as well. How often have you heard someone comment on another’s behavior expressing displeasure or disbelief. “I thought he/she was a Christian.” They say the word “Christian” dripping with shock or worse sarcasm because once again, a “Christian” has acted badly, giving the non-believer an excuse to stay where they are and to point fingers.

          When we claim the name of Jesus, when we confess with our mouth we need to be prepared to follow through with our actions and not to the best of our abilities because then we will surely fail. We need to imitate our Father, emulate His demeanor, be as much like Him as we can and we need to rely on grace to do it. In His mercy God sent us a perfect example in Jesus. Can we be Jesus? No, there is only one Jesus. We can however watch and learn. We can surrender to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and truly we can just be. God created us in His image. We need to stop trying to be something we aren’t and relax and be who we were created to be.

          Abram is a sweet boy. He has a beautiful heart, a tender spirit and a bit of temper. He’s funny, observant, incredibly bright and quite verbal for his age. In other words, he’s a lot like his daddy. Abram is blessed to have excellent parents who are great role models.  We are too. I see Paul in Abram. I wonder do people see my Father in me?




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